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Photo competition goes ahead despite cancellation of Festival of Lights

[Editor's note: Since this article was first published, many comments from residents have been sent in, and these have been added after the article starting here]

April 18th, 2011
[by Shirley Frater, Project leader]

The entries for the photographic competition and exhibition organised by the Digital Interest Group of SeniorNet Motueka close on May 20th. The exhibition of accepted photographs opens in the Motueka Museum & Muses Café on Saturday June 18th and goes till July 29th.

The presentation of prizes will have a change of time due to the Festival of Lights events being cancelled. Date, time and venue will be announced by the end of May. Last year the prizegiving and exhibition were key parts of the Festival of Lights.

Businesses have been very generous with contribution of prizes for 1st and 2nd place as well as best overall photograph.

This year's competition has 6 categories for photos 6 inches x 8 inches: Portrait, Close up or macro, Nature (animal/s or bird/s or insect/s), Our Place Tasman (a photo from within the Tasman District), Action (people at work or play), Humourous, Signs/or scene.

The 6 x 8 photos are mounted and named onto A4 card before being installed and judged. If there are more photos than space allows, the judge will be preselecting. This year each photographer can exhibit a maximum of 3 photos in each category.

A new open category is for a 10 inch x 8 inch photo mounted in a Mat. Of any theme or title this section will give the opportunity for the photographers who like to create with the larger format.

The project has been sponsored by the Motueka Community Board, Creative Communities Tasman and SeniorNet Motueka. We are fortunate to have a very enthusiastic team of volunteers in the organisation to do the collation and mounting of the exhibition. Support from Motueka Museum and Muses Café and businesses make this a real community event for Motueka.

Entry forms are available from SeniorNet's website, Motueka Online, Westrupp Jewellers, TDC Libraries, and some Motueka businesses.

Comment by William Cleaver:
[Posted 23 April 2011]

Reading in the Mot online, and I see under a article about photo compitition that the Festival of Lights has been cancelled. I have searched numerous sites and I am unable to find a related article to the earth shattering statement. What is going on with this town?

Our Town Motueka, the Motueka Community Board and TDC should get there heads together and come up with something. Many a suggestion has been made about a name change (Apple festival, Winter festival) and a Venue, time, date and locations (one day, one night, combined with other events, Decks Reserve, Parklands School and main street). Yet the only responce we have seen is JUST CANCEL THE THING.

Motueka has become a sorry state of affairs when festivals have to be cancelled and yet at the same time Motueka wins BEST TOWN. Who's pulling the wool over whose eyes?

Comment by Shirley Frater:
[Posted 28 April 2011]

One can't always expect authorities to do everything. They get bound by rules etc. A group of like-minded people can do anything. Just a spark of energy, plenty of time for planning and ask other people to join in. Early planning allows support and money to be found to help out with the overheads.

I will admit it takes effort and persistence and friends to calm the uncertainties and details. People always want to be involved with successful projects but they have to know what's happening to make the success. Motueka is not a sorry state - the photo competition and exhibition are going ahead, we have already received entries. The public can come and see how photographers feel about interpretating our place - Motueka.

Perhaps a coffee session and a good laugh could be a start of a good plan-a-thon for an event.

Comment by Liz Attree:
[Posted 1 May 2011]

Yes, let's keep the Festival of the Lights, and in May / June. It is good to have something like this when the days get shorter and cooler, nice and bright.

There does need to be thought put in to what else can be on the same day, not so much after 4pm as it is getting too cold most days by this time once May arrives. Why not have a day the local craft workers and the like can make arrangements with one of the shops and have a FREE stall in front on the footpath? This type of thing usually brings people into the area, ie main street, and would give us a chance to sell our products other than on a commission basis that makes our products expensive as most put at least 50% on top of our price ... more than we make in profit!

I am sure there must be organic growers and orchards who may be interested in selling for a few hours. Schools could have a stall by the museum, it would be a good thing for kids to learn the art of selling so be educational as well as profit for the school. Would suggest a day sale time, like 10am - 4pm. Maybe the name could change to incorporate other things on that day. Was very disappointed to see the lack of interest from shop owners for stalls on the walk last FoL day.

Comment by Jody Maru:
[Posted 2 May 2011]

I too am upset that the FOL is not going ahead. Unfortunately everyone has lots of ideas about when and what should happen but it takes real man power and voluntary hours to organise these sorts of events. Having been part of the planning and delivery of a number of events over the years i know that this does not happen over night.

It also takes a passionate group of fit volunteers to place lights around the town and organise the event that goes with it. Next year when this group is reformed I hope that all those with the ideas will actually be part of the delivery process as well.

Comment by Anita Newport:
[Posted 6 May 2011]

Unfortunately, it seems that there is usually a lot of criticism when hard working volunteers just can no longer cope with the enormous work load of these events BUT plenty of opinion and ideas of what should be done but not many people putting their hands up to do anything ... Why does it have to be Our Town Motueka that organizes such things?

Motueka won the title of "Best town in NZ" not only for being such a beautiful part of the world but for the community spirit and passion. Imagine all the wonderful events we could have if all of those who complained about what OTM and other groups do actually put that time and effort into helping out and doing things themselves...

"It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Comment by William Cleaver:
[Posted 7 May 2011]

I write in regards comments made by participants to this subject. There are many ideas and suggestions on how and when the festival should or could be run, I can't see anywhere criticism towards the previous organisers has appeared in text. On many occasions nothing but accolades go towards said organisers for doing a damm good job.

As far as Our Town Motueka and Community Board and TDC, these are already community based groups that I would imagine have databases for things to happen or at least get the ball rolling. Individuals that comment are merely that, an individual, and add their comments purely as constructive criticism for the mass that read these forums. Without this media avenue, ideas and constructive passages would be forgotten over the kitchen table.

Motueka Best Town mentioned for our town's community spirit - well as a previous article about the Festival of Lights last year where was that community spirit. The organisers did a fantastic job and yet less than .7% (that's less than 1% of the population) attended one display and the rest of the events did not fare much better.

We can see that when so much effort goes into these events and yet the community for their part don't participate, something has to give and I don't blame the organisers for canning it, all I hope is that a community based organisation can come up with an appropriate idea for next year based on the constructive criticism given and start something.

In the meantime the door is now open for any group to organise a mini Festival of Lights as a fundraiser and possibly a forerunner for bigger things next year. I have hunch something is already in the pipe work. Watch this space.

Comment by Maureen Wootton:
[Posted 7 May 2011]

I have been browsing through the website of Motueka Online and feel that I must put in my "pennyworth" regarding the cancellation of Motueka Festival of Lights. I have been the Secretary/Treasurer since Festival of Lights was formed and due to an unexpected health problem I was forced to relinquish my position just before the 2010 Festival.

For the past 4 years we have begged and pleaded trying to get new blood on to our committee and have not had a lot of success. No one knows more than I do how much time and effort (all voluntary) the past committee have devoted to "lighting up Motueka in the winter" and now that the decision has been made to go into recess for a year, suddenly everyone is full of ideas. Where were you when we needed you?

Editor's comment:

The issue of who should run the Festival of Lights and what ideas should be included was floated in an earlier news item on this website. Read the article here. It was also a topic on our discussion forum, which you can read here.

Comment by Liz Attree:
[Posted 13 May 2011]

Hi again, I have read the latest notes, and although I can't see myself doing something like the people who so well organised the lights and all that went with it on the day, I am quite happy to organise something I know how to do ... like organising stalls selling goods, something I would be involved in myself.

So people, if you are interested in my help feel free to ask me; would really love to have a crafters / food market that day, pref. free, as I said in earlier comment. Or maybe something else that is needed ..... and in my capabilities.

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