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Local Body Elections 2010 - Have your say

The Candidates  

On a separate page, we have the profiles and statements of the candidates who have submitted their details so far. Read about the candidates and their policies here »


On a separate page we have the profiles and statements of the candidates who have submitted their details. Read about the candidates and their policies here »

Have your say

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Motueka Online is very interested in local body elections and government. We know how much good work these bodies do, or are capable of doing, to make our community and our lives better. (Click here to see list of candidates).

We want to help voters' minds focus on the issues, so we have set up this Discussion Forum dedicated to the elections, allowing anyone to write what they think about policies, issues and people involved. Just make sure that you comply with the website's Terms and Conditions, particularly with regard to personal comments about candidates.

Lead-off comment by David Armstrong, editor:
[Posted 21 August 2010]

Since moving to Motueka a year ago, I've been very impressed by the work of community members who give time to the "political" aspects of building a better place to live. As I've never yet been to a TDC meeting, I can mainly comment on the work of the Motueka Community Board. I now attend most of their meetings and talk with board members, and have seen at first hand their desire to make things better and the amount of work they do on our behalf. They have also made me feel both welcome and appreciated.

I will not comment on the performances of individual board members (or district council members serving our ward, or the mayor), other than to say how sad it is that the community board will not have any females or younger people (sorry if I offend the candidates who would like to be described as 'young') on it this time. Tara Forde has been a great asset for the board these past few years, adding a female and particularly a youth perspective that I hope won't be lost.

I came from decades living in Christchurch, and I took very little interest in local body politics there. Why? Because in a large city individuals like me don't get to feel any connection with the wider activities of the city. They're always arguing about and deciding on things way over the other side of town, where I rarely if ever go. What concerned me in my daily life was decided either by the friends and clubs in my suburban area or by distant bureaucrats.

But not here in Mot. Here, what makes my community - the whole town and around - better (or worse) is the set of things that others in my community think and do and contribute. And suddenly their policies and decisions become important to me. Not only are they likely to affect me directly day to day, but I can see and talk to the decision makers at any time (and often do). That's why I think understanding the local issues, and voting in the October elections, is important here in Motueka. I hope many others see it that way.

Comment by Valerie Rae, President, Motueka Grey Power Association:
[Posted 29 August 2010]

I would like to advise readers Motueka Grey Power Association will be holding a 'Meet the Candidates' meeting in the Community House Meeting room. This looks like it will be held on Thursday 23rd September and when the date is confirmed we will advertise in the local papers and put a notice on this site.

The proposed agenda will be 2.30pm refreshments, 3.00pm - Community Board speakers, 3.30pm - Councillors, 4.00pm - Mayoralty candidates. Speakers will be limited to 3 mins each to speak with questions following. No statements will be accepted due to time constants.

Comment by Joanna Santa Barbara:
[Posted 7 September 2010]

A meet-the-candidates night is being held by Transition Town Motueka on Thursday September 9th, 7.30pm in Community House. The five Motueka Ward candidates and five candidates for the Community Board have been invited to speak on issues relevant to our town's resilience in the face of energy and climate constraints. All are welcome to attend this event.

Editor's Comment:
[Posted 10 September 2010]

There is a report on this Candidates Meeting in the News section of this website. Read it here »

Editor's Comment:
[Posted 25 September 2010]

There is a report on the second Candidates Meeting, hosted by Grey Power, in the News section of this website. Read it here »

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