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These bios and policy statements are presented in the order in which they were submitted (first at the top):

Mark Chapman, candidate for the Motueka Community Board:

[Posted 27 August 2010]

Thank you for your start to the Elections 2010 discussion. I have taken the opportunity to add my bio to the discussion.
Mark Chapman Bio:

  • I am a 7th generation Motuekean and have lived here for all but five of my 43 years. I am passionate about the town and area. I am an open and honest person and already am a strong advocate for the area.
  • I am keen to see Motueka continue to grow and thrive and there is a definite need to improve the flow of traffic through town. All options need to be explored.
  • I am opposed to the Motueka aquifer being depleted for other areas. Whilst I'm neighbourly I believe that we could be in the situation where we give away our most precious resource and have trouble getting it back.
  • Freedom camping is an issue and I feel that the council needs to pass a bylaw to manage the issue.
  • If elected I will represent Motueka and her people with a passion.

Currently I am on the Tasman Bays Promotions Association, Abel Tasman Birdsong Trust and Our Town Motueka committees. The previous Community Board has done a magnificent job of raising Motueka's profile. Clearly there is an issue with the way the Community Board is viewed by the Council. I am determined to continue the great work and push the value of our community board.

I am very open to discussion and should you have an questions I can be contacted on or .

Paul Hawkes, candidate for the Motueka Community Board:

[Posted 6 September 2010]

Hi and a special thank you to David for this magnificent website and the opportunity to post my bio for consideration.

  • Born and bred local in excess of 50 years. I am seeking my second elected term, serving on the Motueka Community Board.
  • I am dedicated to seeing Motueka continue to grow and prosper, especially through recessional concerns.
  • Consideration needs to be given to ongoing traffic management issues along High Street and especially the CBD. Consultation needs to be effective and Council be made aware of local concerns. Already several suggestions have been presented and met with mixed emotions. Careful management of these solutions needs to be made for the benefit of everyone concerned.
  • I am concerned that Council need to be wary of imposing further "targeted rates" for infrastructural improvements. Current rate payers have a limited income and budget expenditures. Some projects will easily place these families at risk financially. Careful management of this "easy" form of revenue collection and will need to be maintained to prevent further financial hardship.
  • Very careful management of our "liquid gold" resource, namely our water supply must be maintained. We may have an abundance of local water, but the use of this asset needs to reflect a balance between the will of the Motueka ratepayers and the needs of the surrounding users. To allow the area to grow, sustainable water must be available, but at what cost to the rate payer and our future generations.
  • I support the growth of the Western Strategy (the area of land bordering Whakarewa to King Edward Streets and High to Queen Victoria Streets). Development of this residential and industrial area is a must. Currently we have a shortage of larger sites for the location of bigger businesses. This area is by far the best location for development. Further, by developing this area we will see an earlier reticulation of water supplies for an area that currently has minimal supplies for fire fighting purposes. Within this area, closer to High Street I would like consideration being given for the allocation of an area for the development of "Affordable Housing", possibly including communal garden allotments. Housing within the area can be very costly for first home buyers and the elderly. This could be an ideal project for future consideration.
  • Freedom Camping. Well enough said about this issue. We have been advocating for local changes to bylaws, currently to no avail. Temporary solutions have been recommended, allowing an easing of the local problems, but as yet no firm decision has been finalised. This issue will not go away and needs to be finalised, sooner than later.

I am committed to not only representing local concerns, but making a difference. We need to further work on strengthening relationships between the Board and Council, but not at the risk of the local rate payers. We are your advocates. I am totally approachable and happy to discuss any issues with anyone at any time. Well within reason. I can be contacted via cell phone , my landline after hours on or via email at

Tara Forde, candidate for the Tasman District Council:

[Posted 7 September 2010]

Kia ora Motueka Online readers,

I am standing to be a Motueka Ward Councillor. I want you to vote for me because I think you will get better value from me as your representative. I will work hard, and respond to community concern.

You can check out my website, or join my Facebook group .

In the interests of democracy, I'd love a few of you Motuekans out there to talk about your impressions of the candidates or even of the campaign? Add your comments to the forum here.

David Ogilvie, candidate for the Motueka Community Board:

[Posted 13 September 2010]

I am standing for the Motueka Community Board primarily to represent the interests of our community, and to advocate strongly for Motueka, focusing on local issues and activities.

There are significant Motueka issues currently facing our District Council - Motueka River stopbanks, allocation and reticulation of domestic water, central and western Motueka planning, library requirements, recreation facilities, advancing the Motueka Transportation Plan, roading improvements (including paths, ramps, kerbs) and the general community support.

My local body experience dates from 1971 as a Councillor or as Deputy Mayor. I have been Chairman of the Motueka Community Board since 2007.

The Motueka ward comprises one-third of the District's population and provides relative funding. These last three years I have been very busy promoting Motueka interests to the council, over-viewing Council's activities, consulting widely and constructing submissions to the Council's plans.

It is critical that this positive, purposeful role is continued. The worth of the Community Board rests with our Motueka residents. Whatever success the Board has, relies on the support of our resourceful, self-reliant community.

I have the knowledge, experience and commitment to work with the people of Motueka as part of that community team.

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