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Community Board settles on special project list
July 28th, 2016
[by David Armstrong]
The Motueka Community Board has settled on a list of local projects on which to spend its "special projects" fund from its targeted rate for the coming year.
After Tasman District Council checks the submitted list for any problem areas, the board will then open the draft for submissions from Motueka residents, and then confirm those to be addressed.
The final draft list is:
- Allocating 50% of the cost of replacing or upgrading the Salt Water Baths flood gate, to meet new operating safety standards, to the maximum value of $10,000.
- Allocating $5000 towards the further upgrading of the Motueka Security Camera network, including the installation of two cameras to cover recognised "black spots" in the current coverage and the possible investigation and inclusion of two mobile cameras that can be relocated around perceived "trouble areas" at the discretion of the Police.
- Liaising with the Museum Trust Board about the installation of air conditioning in the two main rooms of the Museum. Total costs will be approximately $20,000, of which the Community Board pay 50% (Alternatively, a lighting upgrade for the Canton Room).
- Constructing a welcome sign at the Motueka Airport (College Street) identical to the one near the roundabout at a cost of $10,000. This would be a suitable entry sign for travelers from Canterbury and the West Coast.
- Installing kerb and channel along the northern side of Old Wharf Road, from Thorp Street towards Motueka Quay (100 metres, approximately).
- Constructing a footpath in Wallace Street, on the northern side from the existing path at the bus shelter alongside Kiyosato Gardens to Wilkinson Street. A quote has already been supplied for $10,000.
- Constructing a path on the southern side of Courtney Street from the entrance to the Jack Inglis Memorial Hospital to High Street. This will allow a full link around the loop from the new High Street entrance of the hospital returning to the Courtney Street entrance, making walking safer for people, especially hospital patients.
- Providing for children's play equipment on the Newhaven Reserve at Marahau subject to the Motueka reserve financial contributions allocations.
- Providing funding to enhance the entranceway to the northern end of the Marahau Beach (opposite the Outdoor Education Centre), including some coastal planting at and beyond the rockwork. The recommended contribution is $5,000.
- Providing, jointly with Our Town Motueka, a litter service for central Motueka areas at a cost of $4,000.
- Constructing a drinking bottle fill point on High Street, with Parkland School's High Street entrance as the preferred location. Cost $5,000.
- Working with Keep Motueka Beautiful for the allocation of funding to further enhance the Port Motueka and George Quay redevelopment work, costing $5,000.
The project list this year includes several which are not of the "bricks and mortar", Council-asset variety. Last year's list comprised almost entirely footpaths and other small engineering jobs which Council sees as low priority.
This follows many months of dispute about how narrowly or broadly the fund can and should be used, which has led to a review of the official project selection criteria prompted by some board members and this writer.
One bone of contention may still remain around the funding of the litter cart operation, which TDC until now has refused to approve.
The "special projects" fund is built from the $10 per year rate item which is targeted for Motueka ratepayers. About $50,000 is available in the fund each year for Motueka projects.
The proposed projects will now be considered by Council staff prior to public consultation asking residents and ratepayers to rank the projects for inclusion in the special projects fund.
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