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Labour leader briefed on Motueka's social issues
July 27th, 2016
[by David Armstrong]

Andrew with Community House admin Rae Dozell

Andrew and Damien answer questions
Labour leader Andrew Little met with about 15 representatives of community agencies today to hear about community social issues that are of most concern in Motueka.
At an informal gathering at Community House during a day spent visiting the town, he listened to and made notes of the various comments and critiques of community leaders, providing answers to specific issues when appropriate.
With local MP Damien O'Connor also contributing comments, the broad policies of the Labour Party on many key community and social issues were covered in the 45 minutes available.
"Government funding on health, education and housing are fundamental to community health and social cohesion," Andrew said. "Labour's focus is on giving people the foundation necessary for a successful life."
Issues raised by participants around the room included:
- Affordable housing
- Provision for mental health services
- Problems with methamphetamines, and adequacy of drug and alcohol services
- The need for a capital gains tax
- Access to specialist health services for poor families, including transport to Nelson
- Homelessness and safe emergency housing
- Social and wealth inequality
- The local seasonal economy which makes it hard for poorer people to survive through the year
- The need for a "living wage" in our community
- Working with young people especially after they leave school, for training and job opportunities
Andrew said Labour is placing a big emphasis on youth employment and training, with one idea being to pay employers the equivalent of the dole to take on unemployed youths to help get them into the habit of regular work.
In response to concerns about increasing inequality across society, Andrew said the main causes of inequality now are house price escalation and low wages. "At present we have a system that benefits a minority of people," he said.
Many of those attending also said that in many ways Motueka is very fortunate to have a number of strong community assets and programs, with dedicated people and volunteers working very hard to provide better services to those in various kinds of need.
Damien thanked those who attended who worked for agencies which depended on government contracts and who therefore may have been nervous about speaking publicly.
Comment by Philip Grimmett:
[Posted 4 July 2016]
Good to see the government opposition making the effort to listen to the concerns that are raised our community. I am sure that Motueka is not unique and many of the problems raised are nationwide. I do wonder though, if Labour aren't responsible, in part, for the parlous situation that prevails.
Globally and locally it's clear that the current system is fundamentally broken. Humpty Dumpty cannot be put back together again and the real issues will not be addressed until this is generally accepted. Think Brexit, and Trump, and think again!
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