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Old Wharf the main concern at Historical Assoc AGM
June 29th, 2015
[by Coralie Smith]

The Old Wharf was a popular fishing spot before TDC put up a barrier and did nothing else
Getting the Old Wharf fixed was a big agenda item at the AGM of the Motueka and District Historical Association, held at Community House on 27 June at 1.30pm.
There were no changes of officers or committee and it will be business as usual for the next 12 months.
The Association has seen three of its members resign recently as they are no longer physically able to get to meetings.
We thank Gwen and George Bunn, and Sally Goodall for their untiring work over their many years of membership - always at meetings, always willing to lend a helping hand. We wish them well in the future.
We have also farewelled two members who passed away in the last year. Patsy O'Shea and Wendy Drummond both gave of their best to the association. Wendy was a long term member who was a regular attendee and worker on many projects. Patsy was a newer member but led from the top and gave us her experience as a heritage leader at a time when we needed new ideas.
Our main concern for the coming year is getting the Old Wharf fixed, and this appears to be in hand thanks to a Trust being set up for the task.
Publishing the book on The New Wharf and research for this is almost complete with a good response from the people of Motueka and surrounding districts to our call for photographs.
After the business of the day was concluded, the members told of their working occupations. Although we see each other regularly, often we don't get to hear the life stories of everyone.
Several people didn't end up following their first choice of occupation. Most of us felt that in our time there wasn't a lot of choice and we relied on parents or career advisers to choose for us or steer us in a certain direction.
Most seemed happy with their working lives. One or two surprised us by some of the jobs they had done, especially when young, and looking at them now you couldn't imagine they did them. Others were surprised by the variety of jobs or occupations their fellow members had been involved in.
Those coming into the district from more conservative areas enjoyed the fact that everyone got in and helped at busy times in tobacco even though you might have been a teacher. Everyone got on with everyone else - no class distinctions.
It was a very pleasant if rather drawn out AGM which concluded with the usual chat and cup of tea.
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