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Second Motueka 'food forest' planted
September 7th, 2015
A team of volunteers got together on Saturday afternoon for the second planting of edible trees on public land, led by volunteers from Keep Motueka Beautiful (see picture below).
The area planted was the small, rough area behind willows at the southern edge of the community gardens and can be accessed from the inlet walkway on Old Wharf Road.
The planting was a mix of fruit and nut trees and some fast growing nitrogen fixing trees that help to provide the right conditions for the fruit trees to flourish.
There are now some more unusual edibles for the public to enjoy in the years ahead such as a black mulberry, a crab apple, a chestnut and a hawthorn.
This is the first stage of a planned development for the gorse-covered land running along the southern boundary of the community gardens and will provide needed beautification in an area which had previously been used as a sawdust dump.
The area will eventually be developed into a mix of edible and ornamental trees and provide a link between the community gardens and the inlet walkway, which is better known as the Adopt-a-Plot restoration area.
This is the last planting of trees for this year, but there will be more to come next winter. It follows on from the successful planting of edibles in the Ledger Goodman reserve in July (see our earlier story).

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