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New organisation promotes local tourism and events

September 27th, 2014
[by David Armstrong]

A new organisation was launched last night that aims to use business collaboration to attract more tourists to the Nelson/Tasman region and while here to spend more money on local products and events.

Tourism and Events Association New Zealand (TEANZ) is itself a collaboration of several small business owners led by local resident Terri Everett, who runs The Dream Maker wedding and event coordination business.

About 30 people gathered at the Motueka Top 10 Holiday Park yesterday to meet and hear from some of TEANZ's executives and to cut the launch cake.

Terri spoke first about how the association was formed and its aims - to get firms working together to build promotions that encourage visitors to come to Nelson, Tasman and Golden Bay.

Our area has a great environment and an enormous number of attractions, which easily rival the more visited areas such as Queenstown but with better weather, she said.

By clever use of conventional media as well as social networking, plus attractive promotions such as prizes and special deals including travel, accommodation, food and beverages and scenic attractions, a buzz can be built that encourage people to visit and spend here.

"This group is about collaboration and empowerment of small to medium sized businesses in the Tourism and Events industry but also the wider community who benefit from this industry," Terri says.

Music entertainer and social media expert Aly Cook then gave examples of promotions and use of media that are working very well already and could easily be built on.

With small financial contributions by several participating companies, eye-catching, social media-friendly and collaborative promotions valued in the thousands of dollars and visible worldwide can result, providing financial value to the participants and value to the community as a whole.

Sue Jepson explained the promotional product she had developed, an interactive web-based map called Onzamap, which not only provided tourists with an easy way to find what they're looking for as they travel but also to build and promote promotional packages.

Most of the TEANZ executive at the launch last night


Comment by Howie Timms:
[Posted 28 September 2014]

Whilst I commend the initiative and energy of this new group, there are already 2 business groups in Motueka that are looking to promote the region and encourage folk to spend money in town.

Our Town Motueka and the Tasman Bay Promotions Association:
1. Have budgets to spend on this type of activity and
2. Are struggling to get business owners to become involved

Instead of starting yet another group, why not join others that would value your input, energy and have dollars to implement your ideas?

Comment by Terri Everett:
[Posted 29 September 2014]

Thank you Howie for your valued comments, however TEANZ has been developed with a huge amount of time and consideration with its own vision and both groups mentioned in your comment were aware of our collaboration in advance of the launch.

Discussions have taken place and as a group we are very keen to stand side by side with any other group in the community and region to combine resources and ideas but didn't see any correlation in putting our energy into groups already established with a set goal and intention which didn't match ours entirely.

Also the TEANZ group has a wider audiance than Our Town Motueka and Tasman Bay Promotions and therefore would have been limited. So in conclution, indirectly we are part of all other promotion groups in the region and I believe open to any joint opportunities as we all ultimately want the same results. More support, positive feel-good factor and improved income.

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