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Part of the crowd enjoying the balmy summer air, engrossed in another true story - Photo by Oliver Weber

Families enjoy storytelling in the park

December 21st, 2014
[by David Armstrong]

An estimated audience of 200 people of all ages were entertained on Friday by stories, humorous and emotional, at 'Stories in the Park' on Decks Reserve.

The event, run by the True Stories Told Live (TSTL) team, was made even more enjoyable by the balmy, still weather with the tiniest hint of rain at half time not eventuating.

Families in particular, many associated with the Motueka Rudolf Steiner School and Kindergarten, were plentiful, as was the entertainment available to keep them active and involved.

TSTL has been run about four times a year for the past few years. Most are in venues like the Chanel Arts Centre and charge an entry fee, but the park one is free thanks to sponsorship by Tasman District Creative Communities.

Five of the storytellers this year were well-known locals. TDC councillor Peter Canton led off with a very funny account of his first date many years ago with his wife, a fishing afternoon in which his bravado was cut back to size.

Peter Garlick told of the ups and downs in his (unpaid) job to find land to be used for the new Rudolf Steiner School campus, ending with the surprise announcement of a successful outcome arrived at just that morning - bringing a special cheer from the audience.

Ron Sharp spoke movingly of his first experience, years ago, of a weekend stay marae at a marae, and the huge learning it brought to him about understanding and respect of cultures other than his own.

Donna McLeod brought to the engrossed crowd her perspective of the love embodied in her father and how such connections live on through our whakapapa, in ways which are not only a special cultural core of Maori but also applicable to pakeha culture.

The greatest laughs of the evening were drawn by Don Grant who delivered the speech about his Internet dating experiences (70% true, he said), which had recently won him top prize at the national Toastmasters awards. (.)

Other storytellers on Friday were a TSTL regular Tom Watkins, Bashan King and Rob Knowles.


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