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KMB year 'mostly busy but partly frustrating'
August 14th, 2014
[by David Armstrong]
The past year for Keep Motueka Beautiful is summed by chairman David Ogilvie as "mostly busy but partly frustrating" in his report to the annual general meeting to be held on August 25th.
Several of its projects have made great progress, while some others have been held up by unfortunate timing and external decision making.
The popular Inlet Walkway loop and Inlet Gardens (Adopt-a-Plot) have received further treatment, one highlight being the development of what has been a waste area, on the north-east side of the gardens, with wetland plantings, a new culvert to improve tidal flow and a grassed picnic area. (See photo below.)
David reports that work on the Adopt-a-Plots area is almost complete now, and this has been augmented by extensive plantings along the Inlet perimeter walkways, including the picnic area at the end of Wharf Road, then along Wharf Road to Link Park. (See photo below.)
The committee are currently designing and commissioning signs to go at each of the main entry points to the Inlet Walkway Loop.
Garden plots and planter boxes around central Motueka are tended to by committee members. This year the two boxes outside the Council service centre in Hickmott Place were added to the list and planted out (see photo, right).
With advice from Anne Deveraux, committee members planted an area of the small reserve in Woodland Avenue, opposite Thorp's Bush, with daffodil bulbs, which are currently beginning a colourful display.
The frustrating aspects of KMB's year relate to two major projects: High Street tree planting from the roundabout north, and the Port Motueka / Beach Reserve project.
The first has been delayed awaiting the Council's decision to undertake their project to underground the power lines along High Street from the roundabout to Courtney Street.
The Port Motueka project has waited for the East Quay logging use to finish and for Council approval of the project details.
For both projects, the coming 2014 - 2015 year should see considerable progress; the Beach Reserve project in the first six months, and the High Street tree planting in the latter six months.
KMB has also financially supported Vision Motueka's mural paintings and the hanging baskets provided by Our Town Motueka.
The AGM will be held on Monday August 25th at the TDC service centre, starting at 7.00pm. All interested people are welcome.

The new picnic area at the north-east corner of the Inlet Gardens

Volunteers planting alongside Wharf Road
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