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Books on Motueka's history available for sale
December 2nd, 2014
For some interesting summer reading or a novel Motueka Christmas present, why not consider one of the journals of Motueka's past produced by the Historical Association?
Since its formation over 30-plus years ago, the dedicated members of the Motueka and Districts Historical Association have produced several journals recording the stories and history of our district.
These can be viewed at selected times during the week when members are on duty, but they can also be purchased for between $5 and $25 to become part of home libraries.
The original title of Volume One, ".... and so it began", is still used although the set has now progressed from the pre-European settlement period up to the early 1900s.
The first journals related mainly to first settlers and their families and the setting up of institutions and systems to support life in the town of Motueka and all its surrounding districts.
Later journals filled in with stories of how those families survived and grew. Community groups and businesses have also been covered as the nineteenth century rolled into the twentieth.
Volume 8, published December 2013, includes many aspects of World War 1 including a piece by the late Patsy O'Shea on why the locals went and how they fared.
The war memorial erected in High Street after WW1 was later moved to Pah Street and after World War 2 a Memorial hall was built. The story of these two edifices are in this journal as is the story of the RSA in Motueka from 1916. Old houses feature in this volume as well.
Volume 7 is more about some of the well known businesses in town and the families who founded them. Stilwells, Harts Bakery, and the Manoy family, who had several businesses, are recorded here. The stories have been researched from the group's ever growing archives housed at the Research Room of the Motueka Museum.
Also available is a list of all the stories in the various journals published over the years so you can check which journals you have and see the sort of variety we have written about.
The journals can be ordered by email and paid by internet banking or cheque, or bought from the Historical Association on a Tuesday at the Research Room or bought from the Motueka Museum bookshelves.
"Although the material in the Research Room is available any time the museum is open, we man it on Tuesdays from 10am to 3pm so that a researcher can access the material we have in storage and not accessible unless we get it out," says Coralie Smith.
"We urge you if you are coming to research to email and make a booking as you will then get priority if we are busy and the room is crowded. We charge a fee and we can research for you too." Download the enquiry form here.
A booklet about the popular heritage plaques lining the path in Decks Reserve has also been published, providing more material on each of the plaques. Called "Along the Path", it is a great little mini history of the first institutions in town. It is also available for purchase from the Historical Association and the i-SITE centre.
Also, Kevin York has written two books and given them to the association to publish and sell for its funds. A history of aviation in Motueka and a story of the York family business from horse carriage to motor car are both fine examples of careful and meticulous research by the writer using the Association's archives as well as other sources.
And so it began Volume 1: $15
And so it began Volume 2: $15
And so it began Volume 3: $15
And so it began Volume 4: $ 5
And so it began Volume 5: $ 5
Not Without Courage 150th Vol 6: $25
And so it began Volume 7: $15
And so it began Volume 8: $20
Along the Path: $20
History of Aviation Motueka: $15
Horsepower to horsepower - York family business: $10
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