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Murals suggested as a town 'special project'
July 23rd, 2012
Artist-designed wall mural on Motueka's High Street buildings would be a great way to spend some of the community board's "Special Projects" money, an art-oriented youth worker says.
Paul Johnson, youth worker at Get Safe Motueka, has made a submission to the community board to consider using up to $10,000 for a project involving a full cross-section of the Motueka community to "continue to beautify and enhance Motueka as a tourist destination and an interesting town to visit and stay within".
Noting successful and widely appreciated murals already on walls near the New World car park, Muses Café, the fire station and Super Liquor, his submission suggests a list of alleyways and walls that could be painted and "with the permission of businesses could become beautiful works of art the whole community could be involved in creating".
"We need to make [Motueka] more unique and not just look like any other small town in New Zealand with the same chain stores and nothing more. We have a few murals in town and could create more," he says.
"Through these images we could stamp the uniqueness of our community and surrounding areas by using iconic natural sites and buildings incorporated into the murals. Sites such as Split Apple Rock, the Riwaka Resurgence, Mt Arthur, the Able Tasman and Kahurangi National Parks.
"Buildings such as the Clock Tower, Post Office and buildings lost such as the Swan Hotel. Representations of the past such as tobacco growing and colonial times, local myths and legends and Maori Cultural designs specific to the region - could be included. There really is no shortage of ideas that would come forward and as long as they represent the area then they could be included.
"The murals could be overseen by artists and include many members from the community working on a voluntary basis. Artists could be paid to help design and oversee projects. Existing youth groups would be involved such as the Scouts, church groups, after school and holiday programmes, schools, Cadets etc. Also Adults working on community hours could be involved.
"We can put aside days (perhaps in the weekend and school holidays) where the general public can come and volunteer their time. Through these projects we would create and foster community involvement, community ownership and pride in our town. The outcomes would contribute to people's general happiness and create talking points that help to promote Motueka as an interesting town to visit."
Paul suggests a logo for Motueka could also be commissioned and stamped onto the murals. He also says it could result in a reduction in graffiti throughout the town as more people become involved. "Evidence from other communities that have murals suggests this is the case; it is rare that people tag onto murals," he says.
"We live in an area rich in artists, which needs to be celebrated and promoted, and I believe that many of them would love to be involved in local mural projects."
Comment by Harald Laarakker:
[Posted 24 July 2012]
This is a great idea! I can't agree more with the arguments to do this! The benefits that speak to me the most is the fact that we can involve all who wish to participate. Another thing I can see happening is that traveler would say: "Motueka, the town with all those murals". instead of.... Motueka? Yes, that town past Nelson or close to Marahau. I know a nice young couple of Artists you can commission! Leaders for our Youth! We need to support them!!!!! If this can get going, I would love to be involved!
Comment by Peter Payne:
[Posted 24 July 2012]
mural 4 motueka? I favour motueka becoming a mural town.
Comment by Kim:
[Posted 24 July 2012]
I think it's a very good idea! I was a tourist there, but for a tourist it is not so attractive as other towns. This would definitely be good for community and tourists!! Very creative :-)
Comment by Damara Sylvester:
[Posted 24 July 2012]
I would love to see Motueka enhanced by these sorts of projects. Murals are a fantastic way of bringing colour and originality to towns and cities. Who wants to boast about having the same chain stores as every other town? Let's show off the creativity and skill that abounds in this area by wearing it on our buildings!!
Comment by Mike Tooker:
[Posted 29 July 2012]
Recently I spent a half-day in the former logging town of Chemainus on Vancouver Island. The people have "re-invented" their town with dozens of murals, making it very much a tourist destination. I support Paul Johnson's well made proposal.
Comment by Sarah Douglas:
[Posted 30 July 2012]
Great idea and I would support it and help design a mural and help paint it.
Comment by Beth Bryant:
[Posted 30 July 2012]
This is an excellent idea of Paul's. It would be a fun thing for youth to do, especially. Perhaps it would be an idea to run a competition for some of the youth to design murals as well.
Perhaps, too, it would be good to remember some of the iconic things around Motueka itself. This could include Tasman Bay, Motueka Sandspit, and our important local estuaries which contain many interesting and beautiful marine organisms that we are not aware of, but which Cawthron have a great many pictures - food for the birds. Great idea, well done Paul!
Comment by Chrissy Spillett:
[Posted 31 July 2012]
I think This is a great idea and would be happy to help with design and painting.
Comment by Kahu Geor:
[Posted 1 August 2012]
I love this idea! As a newcomer to Motueka I see many areas within the community that are patiently waiting to thrive! This project could be one such initiative that offers all of the important factors to building a strong community. Which I feel, is definitely what's needed here.
Getting creative and vibe-rising our town with beautiful meaningful artwork is a project I would happily like to be involved in, as it embraces a very real sense of community spirit and cohesion from all, in a most creative and passionate way. It's great to see how many other people are similarly inspired to contribute to this, knowing that the rewards of such a project can spread far and wide ... empowering the very heart of our community.
Comment by Ian Miller:
[Posted 6 August 2012]
Attractive murals would seem to be a good way to brighten Motueka up. There are a couple of small towns in Tasmania that have chainsaw carved wooden statues of local identities of yesteryear. They are very well done and finished in detail and appear to be varnished. They certainly look great dotted around the main street and attract a lot of attention from visitors who go around town reading the information plaque beside each statue.
Comment by Maihi Barber:
[Posted 7 August 2012]
I was born in Kawakawa some decades ago, where the Hundertwasser toilets have ressucitated the township. The toilets are an 'art feature' which has attracted a lot of interest by visitors and this spectacle, I believe, has motivated the towns business people to lift their game much higher. Through cause and effect the whole township seems to have a more posititve buzz about their daily lives - the main point I believe.
It heartens me to see the transformation this township has gone through because it has revived the spirits of the people. Interestingly, the neighbouring township Moerewa where I and aunty Mere Kingi were brought up in is searching for its own 'defribilator' - what will it be?
We organise Holiday Programmes at Te Awhina Marae and would see the murals a great project to get involved with. So yep Paul I tautoko (support) your proposal as it can elevate the mana of Motueka even higher.
Comment by David Ngawati, Youth Connexions, He Iwi kotahi tatou trust, Moerewa:
[Posted 7 August 2012]
I have been humbled by this "Positive buzz" that community projects like Murals for Motueka has on a village/community.
I am a Youth worker in the Kawakawa/Moerewa area that Maihi holds these ties to, and we have had great successes in similar projects here, In particular our youth Whakairo/carvings project. Where we got local youth to carve Pou (Poles) and erect their Pou through our town.
Now our youth have more respect for our Town and themselves, Yes! a revival of spirits and so simple with the right approach and support. Now we are working on a Main sculpture and also murals for the front of our youth centre. A very empowering experience for all...
No reira! Ae-ra He mihi Tautoko taua, e Maihi raua ko Paul Therefore I support your comments Maihi and Paul.
Comment by Johnna Alborn:
[Posted 13 August 2012]
What a fantastic idea! How about getting kids from our local area involved as well. I know there are lots of budding artists from Little Picasso's Art School in Riwaka who would love the chance to do some mural painting around Motueka. Good Luck with your submission.
Comment by Harald Laarakker:
[Posted 17 August 2012]
Here a nice little for some inspiration.
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