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Motueka Murals project to begin at Elevation Cafe
September 19th, 2012
[by David Armstrong]
A project is under way to paint murals on more Motueka building walls, using art designs that will help showcase the town, its history and the surrounding environment.
A team led by Vision Motueka members Linda Woodgate and Kahu Geor, along with youth worker Paul Johnson and artist Harald Laarakker, is working with school art classes and local artists to produce high-quality designs for several commercial building walls which owners are offering for murals.
The first mural of many in the pipeline will be on the northern wall of the Elevation Cafe building, facing the Gothic Restaurant. The design - themed "Mountains to Sea" - will be developed from concepts by students of the Motueka High School art department and drawn together by a chosen artist. Volunteers will then paint the mural under professional direction.
Elevation owner Izzy Erridge says she has been keen to have a mural on the wall for some time, and she is excited that the team is coming together to make it happen.
Over the course of time, the intention is that all murals will be painted by schools, community groups and individuals who want to help, under the guidance of professional artists.
A hui and workshop will be held at Motueka Community House on Thursday September 27th from 7 - 9pm, where anyone with artistic ideas on themes, designs and locations can toss them into the mix and make their preferences known.
"The workshop will be especially targeted at teachers of any age children and people involved with the youth of this area who want to be involved in whatever capacity they can manage," says project co-ordinator, Kahu Geor.
"Also local artists, of course, and anyone with an interest in this project are welcome to contribute."
Several businesses and organisations have already offered money for paint and materials, and funds for artists' fees will also be sought through grants available for urban beautification and creative arts.
This is a long-term, on-going project which is planned to carry on for as long as suitable walls are available, building owners and shopkeepers agreeable, and funds can be obtained.
Kahu says that people who like the idea of more, high-quality murals in Motueka should tell the community board to spend part of its "Special Projects" budget to help make them happen. A subsidy for High Street murals is one of the options on the survey published for community input, so supporters should tick that box, she says.
As the number of attractive murals increases, they will become a tourist attraction in themselves and could become known as the "Motueka Murals", and part of the Motueka Art Walk.
Artists will be encouraged to create designs that reflect the local environment, local iwi, our colonial history, the nearby national parks, local flora and fauna, and what Motueka people feel about themselves and their favourite town.
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