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How would you like $40,000 spent in Motueka?

September 18th, 2012

It's time for Motueka ward residents and ratepayers to indicate to their community board how they would like the $40,000 accumulated targeted rate to be spent on local special projects for the 2012-13 year.

A voting-style survey will be published this week in the two local papers and is available now on Motueka Online (see below), asking you to indicate your preferences on projects from a suggested list of 13.

This list was built from ideas by board members and some suggestions made by residents. The survey also has space to add other ideas of your own, if you wish. Using the results of the survey as guidance, board members will chose the projects up to an estimated total of $40,000.

Board chairman David Ogilvie wants responses from residents by Monday October 1st, and he hopes as many respondents as possible make the small effort to either cut the advertisement from one of the papers and fill it out, or download and fill in the equivalent on this website (see below). But please, only one response per person.

The list of projects is:

  • Upgrade kitchen and supper room at the Motueka Memorial Hall
  • Construct and erect 'Welcome to Motueka' signage at the western entry (aerodrome) to Motueka
  • Construct pram crossings for mobile scooters - five in central areas of Motueka
  • Provide lighting to illuminate the 'Motueka' sign at southern entrance (Rest Awhile) to Motueka
  • Provide lighting to illuminate the Kaka Beak Bruce Mitchell sculpture in Wallace Street
  • Subsidise a series of murals along central High Street
  • Construct a pathway linking Talbot Street and Manoy Street
  • Construct a pathway along Poole Street, west of Atkins Street
  • Kerb and channel along Hursthouse Street, 300m from Moutere Highway
  • Road-mark cycle lanes along Pah Street, Grey Street and Whakarewa Street
  • Erect a water fountain (for drinking) sited in High Street
  • Construct a water fountain feature in High Street (eg, museum frontage)
  • Contribution to a Litter Cart collection for central Motueka streets

Printed and completed copies of the questionnaire can be handed in or posted to the Motueka Service Centre, Hickmott Place. Online versions of the form can be emailed to Motueka Online, following these instructions:

The online questionnaire is a short Microsoft Word document, which you can download by clicking here.
[If you cannot open that file, try this PDF version which you can print and hand in but not email in return.] You can do one of two things with this document:

  1. For either Word or PDF version, print it, fill it out manually, and hand it in or post it to the Motueka Service Centre, Hickmott Place, or (easier and better)
  2. Save the Word verions on your computer, then open it, fill it out (numbers 1 to 4 for your top preferences) on the computer, save it again, then send it as an attachment to this email address:

Comment by Harald Laarakker:
[Posted 20 September 2012]

I would like to see 10000 dollars used for the Murals in Motueka!


>> , to be added to the page. [If this link doesn't work, use this form instead]

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