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Ideas flowing for Motueka Murals
October 3rd, 2012
Some of the ideas from last week's hui
Motueka people with an artistic bent used a hui at Community House last Thursday to share their ideas about themes for the murals to be painted on town walls.
The ideas that emerged at the workshop reflected the many things that locals think make Motueka special - its people, culture, history, industry and surrounding natural flora and fauna.
Those taking part brain-stormed their visions while sharing stories about times past and how things are now. The result was a huge list of ideas scribbled onto notes and stuck on the wall in their categories - the history of the area and the town, its people and culture, present and past industries, sports and activities, the flora and fauna, land and waters, and the future of the community.
The Murals in Motueka committee have collated the ideas, which will go into planning work for the murals to be painted. They are now seeking more specific design ideas for murals, which may come in the form of pictures, photographs, collage or words.
The committee wants local artists and designers, as well as anyone who has artistic ideas to offer, to submit suggestions as to what images they think would be great on the walls of Motueka.
"All artists are welcome to put forward ideas for the project, and images may be chosen to become murals," says committee member Paul Johnson.
"It's open to all people, so if you have specific mural painting and design skills then please include this information with your submission." Submissions and ideas from the public can be handed in at the Motueka i-SITE counter.
About 20 people so far have indicated their willingness to help with the project in some way. The committee has also set up an active "Murals in Motueka" Facebook page.
"I've had a number of emails and other replies on Facebook from artists and people who want to be involved in the project," says Vision Motueka project co-ordinator Kahu Geor. "It feels great. There's lots of enthusiasm felt by everyone about the project.
"The content of the murals on our walls will be based on what submissions we receive from our community. Therefore now's the time to have your say. These school holidays are the perfect time to get kids drawing, and writing what they love about the area and what they want to see on walls around our town."
The project team is spending time at present working on the design process rather than dashing in to paint the first mural, to ensure that the results of future murals are professionally created and enjoyed by all residents. The first mural will be painted on the northern wall of Elevation Cafe (see our earlier story).
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