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Community Link up and running in Motueka

February 14th, 2011

If you have been to Motueka Work and Income recently, you may have noticed some new faces and a new name on the building - Motueka Community Link. But there's much more to it than that.

Community Link means a different way of working and as the concept develops, Work and Income will become just one of a number of organisations, particularly government agencies, represented at the 276 High Street address.

Community Link offices are already established in other parts of the country. Nearer to home, Blenheim and Greymouth have already opened these centres.

The goal of having a Community Link here is to make it easier for people in the Motueka community to connect with the organisations they need. For example, if someone is looking for a job, accommodation, and financial help - they could go to the Community Link and talk to agencies such as Work and Income, Housing NZ, Career Services and perhaps Budget Advice Services in one place and in a coordinated way.

For those working in the Community Link, having strong connections with other organisations either on- or off-site means that they know who to contact to get the help needed for a client.

The transition to a Community Link has been evolving over the past months in association with Community House Motueka and guided by an advisory group (see earlier story here). It will continue to evolve over the coming months and will be shaped by the needs of the Motueka community.

If you are part of an organisation that has not heard about the concept and is interested in becoming a part-time or full-time partner in the new Community Link, please contact us for more information. Phone Ron Sharp, Chair of the Motueka Community Link Advisory Group, on , or Gavin Cook at Work and Income, Ph

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