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High Street roadworks prepares for completion at last
July 8th, 2010
by David Armstrong

Fresh tar is laid on the final section

The bollards opposite Tudor Street are removed
The pungent aroma of road tar drifting across town this morning was for once a pleasant experience, knowing it spelt the topping off of the roadworks stretch of High Street after months of retail inconvenience, business anger, traffic stoppages and rain-filled potholes.
The final seal was down in a matter of hours, doubtless helped by a spell of drier weather over the past 10 days, but still three weeks after the final, extended finishing date promised by the contractors.
The only issues still to be addressed are the rapid level change in the surface from the existing section abutting the Tudor Street corner to the new seal - a drop of nearly a foot, which is somewhat unnerving to inattentive drivers, and refashioning the intersection itself.
The contractors last week removed the footpath seating for safe storage and later relocation, and have now begun removing the bollards and paving stones to prepare to widen and reshape the intersection.
This final step will allow for a dedicated right-turning lane into Tudor Street that allows straight-through traffic to continue northward. The High Street footpath will remain narrow outside The Mooring Cafe for the existing pedestrian Crossing.
Follow previous news and discussion on this project on these pages:
The start of the project, announced by TDC
Concern about removal of trees etc
Reaction to delays in the process
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