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Motueka Online offers update notification service
May 2nd
Motueka Online has been running on full steam for 5 weeks now, and so far it has been received well by readers, Motuekans and sponsors. Website visitor numbers have grown about 40% over the month as people become more aware of its existence and explore what it has to offer.
How can we help to make it easier for you to find what you want here? One comment/complaint/suggestion sent in by a reader has prompted us to introduce a new service - a subscription service where you can be informed by email once a week of all the new articles and comments published during the past week.
The site now has just over 300 pages, and each week we're already seeing about 4 or 5 news stories, 6 to 8 new contributed articles, and perhaps 10 or more readers' comments about articles already posted, plus the occasional new question and answers to existing questions.
Of course many people are like the person who made this suggestion, and cannot re-visit the site often to see what's new. And if you do return after a few weeks, it may be very hard to catch up on all the recent additions. So we're starting up a simple little subscription service for news and article updates: You give us your email address and each weekend we'll send you a brief summary of all significant additions to the site over the previous week. You can sign up here, or go to the "Get updates" menu option at the right of the top, dark blue menu bar on the home page.
We promise that your email address will not be used by us to send you anything other than the weekly updates. We also promise that the updates will contain nothing more than a simple text list of material published and the part of the site at which each can be found - no promotions, advertising or fancy graphics (in fact, no graphics at all).
Progress to date: It's pleasing to see that as of last week the average number of visitors to Motueka Online has passed 100 per day, up from about 70 per day at the start of the month. The total for the month was just under 2500. (March's total was 1400.) That's not bad for a population where interent use is not widespread.
It's also very pleasing that the site has attracted the hoped-for number of six sponsors, meaning that we are already confident of the site's sustainability and future. The sponsors who have made a financial commitment to the project are clearly all businesses which love and believe in Motueka and place a high value on the way in which Motueka Online provides a voice for community members to talk to each other.
Finally we are pleased with way many people are already offering contributions - articles, news and discussion points - as well as their comments on other people's ideas and stories. Keep them coming! It's your chance to have your say and make your voice heard.
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