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Motueka 2030 project announced at Vision AGM
January 30th, 2015
What would a stronger, successful Motueka look like to you in 2030? How would you like to see Motueka develop? Soon you will have your chance to have your views heard and recorded.
These are some of the basic questions that Vision Motueka Development Trust will be asking of a wide cross section of the Motueka community over the coming months, as part of an ambitious project called "Motueka 2030: A Stronger Future Together".
The broad outline of the Motueka 2030 project were set out last night at the AGM of the community development group Vision Motueka, attended by 34 people.
Vision's chairman David Armstrong used the meeting to tell the Community House audience how the project has been planned over the past year.
"How do we know what our people want for the next 15 years, the time scale used for the Economic Summit last year?" he asked. "How can we ascertain what we need? How can we discover and distill what people see as a successful Motueka in 2030 and beyond?
"Until now the main way of answering these questions has been by the Council telling us what they think we want and need, and then asking us to make submissions in their Annual Plan process.
"Vision Motueka intends to find some answers to these questions, as best we can. We have a planning team that is preparing a community-wide information gathering programme involving as many people as possible and using as many tools and formats that are practicable."
With money to fund a contractor to work with the team, overt activity will begin in March and build up over a few months.
"May will be the main month for a variety of community activities, events, meetings, online campaigns and street surveys to get as much information as we can from as many people as are willing to take part," David said.
"At the end of it we will have the largest possible collection ever of local opinions and beliefs gathered together and available, online and hard copy, for anyone including other community groups to read and use for their own planning.
"Some of it may be used by community groups to lobby Council on issues that concern them. Certainly our Ward Councillors themselves will be able to judge from the results what Motueka people really think about some long-term issues.
"And if nothing else, at least the town will be thinking and talking about their own visions, just like many have been since the Economic Summit last August."
The Motueka activities in May will include a follow-up to the Economic Summit, at present pencilled in for May 20th.
For more information about the "Motueka 2030: A Stronger Future Together" project, visit www.visionmotueka.org.nz/motueka2030.
At the AGM, Vision Motueka elected as its trustees for the next two years David Armstrong (chairman), Linda Glew (secretary), Mark Chapman, Izzie Erridge, Kym Parsons, Caroline Blommaert and Liz Salt.
The guest speaker at the meeting, Paul Mosley of Keep Motueka Beautiful, gave an interesting and at times controversial presentation of the project he is leading to improve the recreational and amenity value of the reserve land at Beach Reserve and Port Motueka.
Stage 1 of the project has been almost completed, and Paul detailed the gradual developmental work planned for the coming (estimated) five years to make changes southward from Beach Reserve.
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