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Steady progress made on second Vision mural
July 27th, 2013
Progress on the second Vision Mural in Motueka has been steady through the past week, with about 15 painters and helpers so far involved for varying periods.
The mural, in a prominent position on Image Creators' wall facing into Decks Reserve car park, has attracted numerous admirers passing by, interested in seeing the history of industry in Motueka being depicted via old, authentic black-and-white photos representing various primary industries.
Good weather on all days except one has enabled large areas of the mural to be laid down, although painting times each day are restricted to about five hours due to temperature and sunshine. Also quite a few painters who helped with the first Vision Mural earlier this year were away on school holidays this time.
The mural designer, Andy Lowe of Image Creators, believes that with good weather on subsequent weekends the whole painting could be completed as early as the end of August, but some parts will take a lot of time due to the amount of detail involved.
Some of the painters, ranging from teenagers to retired folk, have been totally inexperienced in painting and art but have contributed their own small sections under the patient tuition of the lead artist Alex Burnett. Anyone else wanting to try their hand is welcome to attend during the coming weekends.
Below are two photos of progress up until today.

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