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Council adopts annual plan for 2013/2014
June 27th, 2013
[TDC press release]
Today Tasman District Council approved its Annual Plan 2013/2014 which will come into effect next week on 1st July.
The Plan's adoption sees a general rate increase of 1.38% with overall rates increase depending on the level of targeted rates levied on specific properties ranging from 1.59% to 2.38%.
There have been some changes to the draft plan. The changes include:
- Bringing forward funding for improvements to Champion Road stormwater works to be undertaken in conjunction with Nelson City Council
- Providing funding to undertake a review of the funding of capital works and capital renewals and for an initial credit rating
- Providing extra funding for maintenance at the ASB Aquatic Centre
- Funding the seismic assessments of Council buildings
- Increase in the forestry dividend
- Changes to the Reserves Financial Contributions projects
- Retaining $300,000 for the Golden Bay Community Facility project and deferring the remaining funding for the project in that year into the 2014/2015 year
- Adding $45,000 to upgrade the Moutere Hill Community Centre while the fire damage is repaired.
The changes to the draft were as a result of the over 400 submissions received, the effects of the recent weather events and the current economic climate.
The relatively small number of changes are a direct result of the Councillors and staff working very hard together over the last 9 months to identify where we can be more efficient and deliver our services more effectively, said Tasman Mayor Richard Kempthorne.
"The success of the internal review is reflected in the low rise in rates we are asking of our residents and ratepayers. At the same time we have approved a review of our funding mechanisms and how we manage and use debt to achieve the increasing need for and maintenance of our essential infrastructure.
"As one of the fastest growing districts in the country we face a continual pressure to ensure we provide for a growing population and their expectations. While a significant amount of this funding of growth is assisted by development contributions there is an amount which must be picked up by the ratepayer.
"We have certainly sharpened our pencils over the last year and it a process that is now well embedded in the organisation and will be the ever present theme in the future," concluded Mayor Kempthorne.
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