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Resources and help offered to community groups
January 25th, 2013
Vision Motueka is offering support, resource and advisory services to community groups wanting help with applying for funds, setting up charitable trusts or simply connecting with other groups.
Although many of these resources are available already through government departments and non-governmental organisations, particularly in Nelson and on useful websites, many individuals in towns such as Motueka don't know where to start in searching for help and relevant information.
Vision Motueka is assembling documentation on processes and contact lists - a "first stop shop" - so that any local people or groups looking for help can get early advice and assistance and, if necessary, be connected with the specific and appropriate organisations which can help directly.
Vision Motueka was formed last year as a community development group. One of its objectives is to help existing community groups be more effective and work together on initiatives that will help the town as a whole.
The idea of providing this service arose when Vision's chairman, David Armstrong, went through the process of incorporating Vision Motueka as a Charitable Trust.
"After seeking advice from several quarters and working through the Companies Office website, I found that it wasn't that difficult a task at all, as long as you followed the correct steps," he says.
He has now documented the process for others to follow, and can assist people along the path through the important steps. And if there are any especially tricky aspects to the application, he can advise on whom to contact to take matters further.
Another reason for setting up this community resources service arose when it was noted that some people had difficulty applying for local body and other grants for funds, either not knowing what was available (including being unaware of websites offering this information) or not knowing the best ways to fill out forms.
The Community Board offers discretionary grants of up to $500 each month, and Tasman District Council has annual offerings of Grants From Rates as well as specialised grants such as for environmental projects.
It has been noted that Motueka groups have often been slower in looking for such funding than other settlements in the Tasman district. Often it's a matter of knowing the right form to fill out at the right time, and ensuring the purpose of the application is compatible with the purpose of the grant.
To further help community groups, Vision Motueka can also make available a guide for treasurers to create and manage good accounting systems for their groups. Vision also intends to build and maintain a list or database of Motueka community groups and their contact details.
"The objective is to encourage and strengthen community groups by helping them to build good governance, to know how to take advantage of outside resources available, and to make connections with each other," David says.
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