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Subjects chosen for nine town murals
January 22nd, 2013
[by David Armstrong]
Vision Motueka has settled on the themes, designs and contents of a set of nine wall murals to be painted in the Motueka CBD over the next few years, starting with the first two hopefully over the next couple of months.
Until now the details of each mural have been a subject of discussion as the organising team worked to mix and match the ideas that came from the community in a public workshop held last October.
With the help of Eileen Stewart on behalf of the Historical Society and professional signwriter/murals designer Andy Lowe of Image Creators, nine themes have been chosen for the nine murals. (View our earlier story here.)
Originally it was thought the murals would follow an historic timeline so pedestrians could follow them in sequence around the town, but many practical difficulties meant that instead each of the nine murals would have a topic or theme, with each one then having historical elements included.
The titles will be:
- Pre-people (the original flora and fauna),
- Inhabitation (Maori settlement),
- Colonisation (the early days of European settlement),
- Transport over the years (river, sea, land and air),
- Motueka River,
- Horticulture over the years,
- Local industry,
- Recreation,
- Adventure Tourism today.
Vision Motueka's team of mural organisers have worked through and categorised the multitude of ideas from the October workshop into these nine topics (with just a few leftovers which didn't fit any), and sheets containing all these potential elements will be given to Andy and the artists to create overall designs.
The last of the titles will be the topic for the first mural to be painted, on Elevation café's north wall, and the first (Pre-people) is slated to be done in association with Parklands School for an entrance wall area.
Following Andy's recommendation, all paintings will be contained within a painted picture frame of identical design (but different sizes), so that it will be clear that all nine are related and in the sequence.
Work is expected to begin soon after the high school art students return from holidays. The committee expects there is sufficient money in the kitty from grants to get started, given that much in the way of materials and time is being donated.
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