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Historic photos sought for new 'industry' mural
June 6th, 2013
[by David Armstrong]
The wall for the next Motueka mural, themed 'the history of industry in Motueka', has been decided and work is scheduled to begin during the late-July school term holidays.
The mural will be painted on the north-facing wall of Image Creators (previously Blathwayts) and will add to the colour of the Sunday market in Decks Reserve. (See the photo below, taken from the car park.)
The co-owner of Image Creators, Andy Lowe, will design the mural in collaboration with other artists and town historians. Andy provided the design images for the first of the new mural series on the Elevation Cafe wall (see our earlier story).
As with the Elevation mural, the painting will be done under the supervision of an appointed lead artist and the organisation of the Vision Motueka Murals team. Painters will be any members of the public who would like to help.
In order to get a good story about local industry to translate into mural elements, Andy and the murals team will work with pre-eminent local historian Eileen Stewart, who has many images from the Historical Association's archives.
But they are also wanting other people in the community to lend them any photos they have that show industrial activity associated with Motueka (apart from horticulture, which will be the subject of another separate mural).
Anyone who has photos they think may be useful or interesting is asked to contact Andy at or 053. Likewise, Andy would like to hear from any people in the community who have some artistic experience to help make up painting teams for mainly weekend work.

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