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Two issues dominate land rezoning submissions
September 3rd, 2013
[by David Armstrong]
There were few surprises when the summary of submissions on the Motueka West and Motueka Central rezoning plan changes were published on TDC's website yesterday.
In terms of numbers of submissions (mainly objections), by far the strongest responses were:
- Against considering a road connecting King Edward Street and Courtney Street behind Motueka South School;
- Against rezoning parcels of land on the northern side of King Edward Street east of Queen Victoria Street from residential to light industrial.
The proposed planning changes for the development of residential, mixed and light industrial land west of the town (Plan Change 43) and the rezoning to commercial parts of the town centre largely around Decks Reserve (Plan Change 44) have been on the drawing board for several years, and were put out for serious consultation in May. (See our story at the time.)
The next stage in the consultation process allows people whose submissions have already been registered, to add further comment that supports or opposes their own earlier submissions. Further submissions close on September 13th.
Motueka West
A few dozen people submitted variations of a theme that basically pleaded for TDC planners to retain residential zoning for the long-standing properties between 130 and 142 King Edward Street, and perhaps use some area behind them (to the north) as a recreational buffer.
Many also said that all new light industrial and industrial uses should be located either (or both) west of the airport or north along Queen Victoria Street, or under the airport flight path. This would open up more land north of King Edward Street through to Green Lane as potential residential areas.
The other controversial part of the Council's suggested plan was an indicative road connecting King Edward Street with the western end of Courtney Street, aiming to provide another way into the west side of town apart from using High Street.
My count was 46 people or groups objecting to this and four wanting it to go ahead. (Of course, this does not mean most Motueka people oppose the road, as people in favour would have been less likely to make the effort to submit their approval than those against.
However, both of these issues have clearly raised the disapproval of many Motueka people.
Motueka Central
Fewer people submitted their opinions on the Motueka Central rezoning plan, which would see (deferred) commercial zoning placed on many properties between Tudor, Greenwood and Wilkinson streets and several other pockets.
Four people submitted that there should be no changes at all to zoning in the central region, and eight people wanted properties on Wilkinson Street to remain residential.
A few said they believed the parts of Wilkinson Street that back onto Decks Reserve should be rezoned to some type of higher density residential, so apartments that overlook the reserve could be developed.
Most other submissions on Plan 44 argued the case for and against some specific properties to be included in changes.
Read the full summary of submissions here »
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