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Tasman District Council adopts 2 annual plan
June 8th, 2011
[TDC press release]
Tasman District Council adopted its 2 Annual Plan today (30/6), confirming the General Rate Rise of 6.05% identified by the Council earlier this month.
"The past year has had a significant impact on the District, recovering from the economic downturn only to be hit by two natural disasters that, while not as significant as the series of Canterbury earthquakes, have exhausted the Council's recovery reserves," said Mayor Richard Kempthorne.
"As a result of the very obvious need to replenish those reserves, 1.98% of the increase will be directed to the disaster recovery funds. Add 3% to meet the demands of inflation and the average rise has been limited to just over 1%.
"The Council has always had the shadow of a local economy in recovery mode in the room when it has deliberated over the draft plan and the many submissions it received for new or additional funding.
"While we are in difficult times the Council must still invest in the District to provide necessary services and meet the expectations of those who live here. While the amalgamation debate continues with no definite outcome, the Council continues to be committed to delivering excellent services at an affordable cost."
The overall rate increases for most properties, including targeted rates, will range from 4% to a bit over 7% depending the property's features and location, however, some properties will differ from this due to the application of different targeted rates.
The final Annual Plan will available from Council offices and libraries when printed and available on the Council's website and on CD very shortly.
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