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Motueka West and Central draft plan change up for consultation

April 21st, 2011
[Based on TDC press release]

West Motueka, between Pah Street and King Edward Street, has been identified as providing an opportunity for significant future residential and business development in an area close to the heart of Motueka, but to do this will involve a plan change.

A shortage of industrial sites has caused some pressure to use rural land on the Motueka Plains. In the draft plan change new industrial sites are proposed in the area between King Edward Street and Green Lane. This proposed plan change is the subject of an open day on the subject next Thursday.

In the draft plan change, new residential and business zones will also be provided to allow for more intensive residential and large format retail developments. The papakainga zone around Te Awhina marae is proposed to be extended.

A major new feature of the area will be the development of a greenway from Whakarewa Street towards the Motueka clock tower. The greenway will have a combined recreation and stormwater management purpose.

Because services have not been fully upgraded in West Motueka the new zoning will be deferred until the services are able to be provided.

In central Motueka a small extension of the commercial area is provided to the north, east and south of Decks Reserve, including the area between Wallace Street and Tudor Street.

If you would like to know more about the Motueka West and Central draft plan change there is an open day at Tasman District Council’s Motueka Service Centre, Hickmott Place on Thursday 28 April 2011 from 3.00 pm - 5.00 pm and an evening meeting at the St Johns Hall, Courtney Street Motueka 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm.

Details can also be viewed at the Motueka Service Centre or on this background PDF document prepared in 2009. See also a this 2011 map of the area with the proposed plan. For more information contact Rose Biss, Policy Planner, at .

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