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High waters in Riwaka and Motueka
June 20th, 2011
[Photos by Tania Fowler]
The heavy rainful in our region over the weekend provided photographers with an unusual treat. Tania took these photos in Riwaka, mainly around Factory Road, and sent them to us. If you have any good photos of flooding, please send then to us to add to this page, by emailing and attaching the photo(s).

Provided by other readers:

Thorp Drain, behind the Equestrian Motel,
is usually dry.
Comment by David Ogilvie (Chair, Motueka Community Board):
[Posted 27 June 2011]
The photos by Tania Fowler are very interesting. The heavy rain co-incided with a very high midday tide, which aggravates the difficulties. The downpours were worst in the coastal hills. The Motueka River levels never reached even the "annual" flood height, according to the Council information. In Motueka there was major street flooding on the corner of Thorp and Greenwood Streets, but elsewhere was quite moderate. There is a specific problem at that corner which is being addressed now.
Should there be other problem areas it is important to let the Community Board members/Councillors know, so that they can be checked. There will be some situations which will be tricky to resolve, but it is useful to know where they are.
The water table is quite high at present - a spell of clear sunny days, white frosts and midday breezes would be ideal!! Can any of your readers arrange this please??
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