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Tasman District Council maintains its sound financial performance
November 2nd, 2011
[from TDC press release]
The assets of the Tasman District are worth in excess of $1 billion - one of the many highlights within the Council's Annual Report for the 2 year.
This increase in the value of the assets managed on behalf of the residents and ratepayers of Tasman, is reflected in the net surplus for the year of $11.07 million. Within the surplus are assets vested in the Council such as the Coastal Highway after the opening of the Ruby Bay Bypass and smaller reserves and an increase in the value of other assets to the tune of $10.9 million. The assets the Council manages have increased in total value to $1.086 billion.
These figures, however, must be read in the context that Tasman is home to more than 17 settlements within a district covering 9,786 square kilometres. It is the Council's responsibility to ensure that each of the settlements and other areas within the District's rural hinterland, as well as the urban centres of Richmond and Motueka, are provided with basic infrastructure needs including roading, water and sewage and community infrastructure like community halls and sporting facilities.
As with most years the bulk of the Council's spending was driven by infrastructure development and maintenance.
"The past year was difficult for a number of Tasman people affected directly and indirectly by natural disaster," said Mayor Richard Kempthorne.
"If it wasn't the series of Canterbury earthquakes where the District became home for many temporarily and permanently, three separate areas were directly affected by floods - Tapawera, Murchison and the Aorere Valley. The local events unusual in the number and ferocity drained the Council's recovery funds to the point that a special increase in the rates has been needed to restore this essential fund.
"Despite the natural disasters and the focus on recovery I am pleased to say the Council delivered on its plans.
"I am pleased to say that the Councillors and the staff have delivered prudent management and we are in a sound financial position with a positive cash flow and continue to be in line with our debt repayment programme," concluded Mayor Kempthorne.
The key projects in the 2010/11 year included:
- Completing the Waimea Estuary Management Strategy with other partner agencies involved in the process.
- Tasman Resource Management Plan (TRMP) - Part IV was notified in February 2010 and decisions on submissions were released 16 July 2011, while Parts V and VI (water and discharges) were made operative on 26 February 2011.
- Notified Change 20 to the TRMP seeking to rezone land in Richmond East in August 2010 and Change 22 Mapua Ruby Bay in February 2011. Advanced planning work on Motueka West and Eastern Golden Bay/Takaka. Continued to mediate on appeals concerning Richmond West rezoning.
- A 'State of the Environment' River Water Quality in Tasman District, report was released in December 2010 and 'State of the Environment' Groundwater Quality Report, was released in October 2010 .
- Decks Reserve and Saltwater Baths carparks in Motueka were sealed.
- In association with the Nelson Cycle Trails Trust construction is well underway of the Tasman Loop Cycleway (now called the Tasman Great Taste Trail), which is part of the New Zealand Cycleway.
- Water supply pipeline renewals have been completed in Dovedale, and a new rising main has been installed from the pump station in Tapawera.
- Completed the Takaka fire fighting water supply.
- Undertaken consultation on the Takaka wastewater treatment plant.
- The wastewater pipeline across Rabbit Island has been completed to improve capacity from Mapua/Ruby Bay. Design work on the Pump Station at Mapua Waterfront Park is underway.
- Council worked with the Waimea Water Augmentation Committee on the proposed Lee Valley Dam.
- Stormwater upgrades in Poole/High Streets, Motueka, have been undertaken.
- Design of stormwater improvements in Patons Rock and Tasman township are underway.
- Upgrade of the resource recovery centre is Richmond is well underway.
- Council is working with Nelson City Council on a combined Waste Management and Minimisation Plan.
- Council has continued work on investigating the options for flood control in the Lower Motueka Valley.
- Tasman District Libraries purchased 17,211 new items for the libraries during the 2010/11 year. At the end of June 2011 the libraries held 132,955 items. This achieves 79% of the current recommended standard for New Zealand libraries based on the population of Tasman District.
- Budgets have been allocated towards the commissioning of the Four Winds sculpture for the Takaka Library, and the Kaka Beak sculpture for Motueka .
- A draft Youth Strategy has been prepared, which will be finalised in 2011/2012.
- Completed construction of the gymnasium at the ASB Aquatic Centre.
- Completed further developments at Saxton Field and the Saxton Stadium, in conjunction with Nelson City Council.
- Completed the $2.1 million upgrade of the Motueka Recreation Centre, which included the extension of the roller skating rink to make a multi-purpose sport arena; redevelopment and extension of the gymnasium facility and reception and office facilities; improvements to the access and facilities in the upstairs meeting/exercise area; and landscaping and carpark sealing outside the Centre.
All the above projects have been completed alongside Council's ongoing maintenance and renewal programmes.
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