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Who carved that wonderful work at the entrance to the Riwaka Resurgence walk?

Question 4:  Who carved that wonderful work at the entrance (from car park) to the Riwaka Resurgence walk? And what does the carving signify?

Answer:  Suggest you contact Barney Thomas of DoC Nelson as local iwi contributed and did this.
- Mark Chapman

Answer:  John Mutu, Master Carver based at Te Awhina Marae carved this. I will talk to John and let you know what it means at a later date. Alternatively you could come and meet John and ask him, or contact Ropata Taylor at Wakatu Inc, Nelson.
- Ann Martin, Tumuaki, Te Awhina Marae

Answer:  In response to the question on who carved the 'Tomokanga / Waharoa' (gateway) at the Resurgence, it was Mark Davis who was commissioned by local iwi. Joy Shorrock who sits on the local DOC Board can shed some more light on the actual meanings.
- Sean Delany, Te Awhina Marae

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