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Origin of Masonic building
Question 3: What was the original use of the big old building in Inglis Street that is now a Masonic place?
Answer: It was Will's Tobacco factory.
- Bev Clementson
Answer: This building was originally WD & HO Wills tobacco factory. Suggest that you contact Pat(ricia) Odea the author of the book "The Golden Crop" about the tobacco industry in Motueka.
- Mark Chapman
Answer: The book Mark Chapman refers to is actually "The Golden Harvest" by Patricia O'Shea.
- Coralie Smith
Answer: It was the manufacturing place of WD & HO Wills. Dried tobacco leaf was sold to the company by the growers, then processed and sent to Wellington for making in to cigarettes or tobacco. The building had a basic staff and a large staff from April to July/August. A great warm place to work in the cold times. The factory closed when the tobacco was no longer grown here. Last season was 1994/5. Motueka Museum has a lot of photos about the crop and activities and the people involved.
- Shirley Frater
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