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Adventure playground that went out into the inlet

Question 13:  As kids we used to bike through the long grass at the back of the cemetry and come out at the beach where there was an adventure playground that went out into the inlet. It had rope bridges, net bridges, logs on chains and ended up at a fort in the middle of the inlet. It could be seen when you drove to to the wharf. This would have been in mid to early 70's. Where did it come from, who made it? I think the ocean eventually washed it away but what a place to have as a kid. Can anyone shed light on this magical place, do you remember it?

Answer:  I wouldn't have known the answer except I recently indexed some Golden Bay Motueka newspapers from the 1970's and 80's. It was a project in 1978 by the YMCA for the unemployed. Not sure if they were called PEP workers then.

The Government supplied the money and the YHA supervisor at the time had a team who put it up. It was a great playground. In York Park on west side Trewavas St. You walk through it now as part of estuary walk now and no sign of the play equipment.

There were several articles about it which I would have access to once the museum is reopened and the research room run by the Historical Association is once again accessible which is in September. I know there were photos and names of those working on it etc etc etc.

- Coralie Smith, Motueka and District Historical Association

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