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Community Board makes annual plan submission

April 30th, 2014

The Motueka Community Board's submission to the draft 2014-15 Annual Plan urges action to be taken by TDC on a range of issues including a library replacement, river works and waste water treatment.

The submission, which will be heard by full council at full-day hearings tomorrow at Memorial Hall, represents a consensus among the four appointed community board members, collated by chairman Paul Hawkes.

You can read the full three-page submission here »

Nine issues are highlighted, including:

  • Shared High Street power, undergrounding project between TDC and Network Tasman
  • Motueka Library re-development or replacement
  • River Care and maintenance work on the lower Motueka River
  • Memorial Hall earthquake strengthening
  • Arts Council funding issue
  • Waste Water treatment upgrade
  • Central Motueka and West Motueka Plan Changes
  • Motueka Harbour and Coastal Works Account
  • Community Cottages

Strongest words were devoted to the library issue, asking Council to "re-consider their approach to the entire Motueka Library debate". They want the money set aside for its upgrade to be rolled over and tagged for future consideration.

"Any money put towards upgrading this facility would be nothing more than a 'patch up'. We would far rather see money spent on a new complex that can be solely Council owned and controlled.

"We feel that more consideration and consultation needs to be given to a completely new development, with shared facilities. Incorporating TDC Motueka Service Centre, Information Centre (ISite) services, Library facilities, as well and thinking outside of the square, meeting room facilities or even other commercial tenants.

"This could not only see it be a viable alternative, but also a future source of revenue that could either fund the repayment costs of the build and sustain an income for the future growth of the Ward."

The community board is also deeply concerned about the proposal to scrap work on the Lower Motueka River stopbanks. "With the removal from the plan of remedial stop bank repair work, it is essential that river maintenance commence immediately. Over the last twenty years, little to no river care work has been carried out.

"Immediate consultation and work on the correct river care needs to commence and a schedule of ongoing maintenance created and followed. Current levels of gravel need to be both relocated and in certain areas removed to allow adequate flow rates in the event of a serious flood event. This would certainly reduce pressure on any recognised weak spots within the stop banks."

The submission also highlights the inadequacy of the sewage works. "There is a limit to how many times a patch up on current facilities is viable.

"The current location ... is very low lying. The area has poor draining and subject to flooding concerns. Is it time to think outside of the square and consider a completely new site for this management plant?"

The board asks Council to continue, with urgency, the ongoing work to implement the Central Motueka and West Motueka Plan Changes.

"This has been an extremely lengthy and drawn out process and is vital to the growth of Motueka. ... Motueka is currently stymied for suitable industrial and larger commercial property allowing for businesses to expand or come to Motueka and set up. This has the natural flow on affect with jobs created and aiding the economy of the area. This needs to 'happen'."

The submission also encourages TDC to go ahead and assist Network Tasman to underground High Street power lines, earthquake strengthen Memorial Hall, reinstate some lost funding to the Motueka Arts Council, 'ring fence' the money from the old Port Endowment Fund for local projects, and plan for future community cottages to help make housing more affordable.


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