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New community board off to collegial start
November 14th, 2013
[by David Armstrong]
The Motueka Community Board, 2 version, got off to a collegial start on Tuesday as it prepares to tackle plenty of unfinished business and a few new ones.
There was plenty of bonhomie on hand, despite an early call during the public forum for the new all-male board to consider how seven middle-aged white men are going to truly represent the full community, and especially women.
Early interesting political signs were posted when the time came to elect a deputy chairman. Past chairman David Ogilvie was first nominated but declined, saying he felt the elevation of Paul Hawkes to the chair's position (see our story) meant people were saying "it's time for a change".
David then nominated Cr Peter Canton, who declined as he wants to concentrate on his new job as ward councillor. That left Richard Horrell as the only present board member left (Cliff Satherley was ill) so he was elected.
Wallace Street toilets
The previous board had debated the need to keep the toilets beside the i-SITE building open 24 hours a day, mainly for visitors' sakes, while being well aware of the amount of vandalism that had been associated with the building.
It was decided that council will alter the contract with the toilet cleaners who currently lock the building at nightfall so that they remain open all the time, but only after a security camera is installed nearby. The board agreed this must be actioned within the next few weeks, initially on a trial basis, as a spare camera should be available.
Discretionary grants
There were four applicant groups for up to $500 each to help with projects. The board has $6000 set aside for the 2013-14 year for such purposes. All applicants at this meeting were granted their requests, which were:
- Motueka Events Trust - $495 assistance to run the annual Starlight Parade.
- Origin Dance Crew - $500 to help fund their trip to Hawaii to compete in a major hip-hop dance event.
- Motueka Arts Council - $500 to help update and reprint the Motueka Art Walk brochure.
- Riwaka Scout Group - $500 to help send four scout leaders to an end-of-year Jamboree in Feilding.
Special projects list
The board were of one mind that the special $5 targeted rate for the community board to spend on special local projects, that the council would otherwise not prioritise, had been a success over the past two years and should be continued.
It brought in approximately $25,000 to spend on a set of projects as voted by Motueka ward residents. The list to be voted on needs to be finalised by the end of this week so that the projects can be decided at the December board meeting (December 10th).
The provisional list tabled by the past chairman, David Ogilvie, before the election included these items:
- Construct more pram crossings for mobility scooters (5)
- Construct a water fountain feature in High Street (eg Museum frontage)
- Erect a drinking water fountain in High Street
- Contribute to the Litter Cart collection for central Motueka
- Provide lighting to illuminate the “Motueka” sign at the southern entry (Rest-A-While) to Motueka
- Provide lighting to illuminate the Kaka Beak Bruce Mitchell sculpture in Wallace Street
- Refurbish the Tarrant Memorial at the Historic Wharf
- Institute regular rubbish collections for large household furniture (including stoves, refrigerators etc) and for green waste. (Twice annually – autumn and spring).
- Organise a “Best Street Frontage” garden competition.
- Construct a pathway linking Talbot Street and Manoy Street
- Subsidise a series of murals in central Motueka.
- Construct a footpath, with kerb and channel along Queen Victoria Street.
Board members will set out their own amendments and additions before the end of this week so the list to be voted on will be advertised in the newspapers and on this website next week.
Donation to Cycle Trail
One outstanding special project from the 2013 list was $5000 toward cycleways on Pah, Grey and Whakarewa streets, which the council has refused to install.
The board decided that this money will instead be re-allocated to helping pay for an underpass for the Great Taste Cycle Trail that will take cyclists and pedestrians under Turner’s Bluff/Pukekoikoi to meet the cycle trail at the Kaiteriteri trail entry point.
There is clearly a safety issue for families walking or cycling across the busy road at this point where traffic can be moving quickly, hence the need for an underpass. Work is already under way on an underpass, and it was agreed that a contribution from the community board would show local support to government funders.
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