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TDC seeks public feedback on its performance
May 14th, 2013
[TDC press release]
As part of its on-going commitment to actively seek public opinion and involvement, the Tasman District Council is commencing its annual survey of residents from this Friday.
"The Council is charged with supporting and developing Tasman's communities. It does this through a wide number of activities and services and every year we look closely at how well we are delivering", said Mayor Richard Kempthorne.
"The residents' survey helps us to hear the views of our community on what we do well and where we can improve.
"The telephone survey conducted over two weeks is a cost-effective way to do this with an independent and impartial interview of a representative cross-section of people."
National Research Bureau, an independent research company offering specialised services to Local Authorities throughout New Zealand, has been commissioned to undertake the survey and report to the Council.
People living in all five wards of the District will be telephoned, using a randomised selection method, and asked their opinions on a wide ranging list of services and issues pertaining to the Council, and the services it delivers to the residents of the District.
The survey commences on Friday 17th May, and is expected to be completed on Sunday 26th May.
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