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Hub-based proposal prepared for library upgrade
February 11th, 2013
A proposal that may advance a proper upgrade of the cramped Motueka Library, as well as provide a starting point for a community and visitor hub, will be put to the Motueka Community Board tomorrow.
The proposal and accompanying concept plans were developed by a steering group of Vision Motueka, with the help of Bell Stephenson architects, as an answer to the Community Board's request to come up with an alternative to Tasman District Council's plan to enlarge the library. (For background, see our earlier story here.)
The Community Board has publicly bemoaned the fact that Council has decided on a plan without any genuine consultation or input from Motueka people. The Council plan is already being workshopped by Councillors this month, so far with no other options apart from its own.
Vision Motueka is suggesting that, rather than simply spending the budgeted $1.1 million to enlarge the existing library building (which will not be enough to do the job properly by today's standards), Council should design an upgrade which can become the first building of a community hub.
Other parts of the hub could then be added over several years as money becomes available, as long as the initial plan allowed this to happen.
Vision Motueka says a stand-alone building enlargement with no thought of wider possibilities makes it harder for any longer-term strategic planning to be done on the town's public facilities.
Complicating the equation is that Council, if it chooses, may not even agree to spending any money at all on the library. Vision Motueka chairman David Armstrong hopes that providing a well researched, exciting concept of a 21st Century library as part of an eventual hub will make it easier for town leaders to get a longer-term view and press harder for locals to be included in decision making.
The proposal includes two options: (1) a future hub sited where the present library is and extending to join Memorial Hall and a future visitor facility, and (2) a new set of buildings at the southern end of Decks Reserve. If Council decided never to spend any further money on such a hub complex, then the Memorial Park site may be the only economically viable option in the short term.
Architects Gabrielle Bell and Andrew Stephenson, who will show their concepts in 3D at the meeting tomorrow, believe a new hub complex at Decks Reserve would provide an outstanding town facility that would be admired and much used by locals and visitors.
In its submission Vision Motueka says their research shows a complete hub suitable for Motueka would include:
- Core civic functions including library, council service centre, public meeting room (perhaps with performance capabilities), and public toilets/washrooms.
- An area to showcase the area's history, culture, geography and people - like a DoC information centre but linking with an i-SITE function, a museum-like space, and a gallery or exhibition space for art, sculpture and other non-permanent exhibitions of local work.
- An indoor foyer and courtyard connecting space, plus family-friendly playgrounds and picnic areas (part covered for use in wet weather), including an outdoor informal performance area and casual recreation facilities for youth.
- Car parking close by, plus space for outdoor community gatherings such as festivals.
Other options ("nice to have" but not essential) include:
- Service agency rooms (Plunket, Family Service Centre, Senior Citizens, etc), a cafe (or easy access to local cafes), posting boxes and a youth centre.
- Some quirky special feature that would be unique to Motueka, such as a weka-rearing enclosure, an aquarium, a visitors' viewing tower/platform, or a giant golden sandpit.
You can view the submission by downloading the document here. (The Bell Stephenson concept plans will be presented at the meeting and are not included here.)
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