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Indoor pool back on agenda for Motueka
July 10th, 2013
[by David Armstrong]
An indoor heated swimming pool for Motueka is back on the agenda, thanks to recent work behind the scenes by the remnants of the pool committee following Council's dismissal of the idea 18 months ago.
Motueka ward councillor Barry Dowler along with Fred Hickling and Daryl Maclean of the original committee have reworked their building plan and will now set the development in process with money to be raised through community rather than Tasman District Council funding.
The concept is to cover the Motueka High School pool, which has been renovated to fix long-running water leakage problems, and to include solar photovoltaic laminates in the roof to allow some heating inside.
Then as further funds are raised a small therapeutic pool will be built within the complex, after which the main pool will be heated. The initial covering over phase will include some work to provide separate changing facilities for the school and the public, as the changing sheds are used for other school sports as well.
The outdoor high school pool was originally built by the community, not the Education Department, and then gifted to the school on the understanding that it would be available for use by the public. It sits on land leased by Wakatu Inc.
"Although this is not the ideal $5 million situation, hopefully the townspeople will get behind it and make it happen," says Barry Dowler.
"A lot of people were against this facility being built new as it was (proposed as) a Council project, which would have affected rates. This project, if it gains momentum, will be paid for by fundraising from within and around the community and funding organisations - no rates involvement."
The earlier pool proposal was included in the Council's long term plan until 18 months ago, when it was dropped altogether. The Council was to have contributed $3 million to the development of a pool either at the Recreation Centre or the high school.
Some years ago the issue of how it would be paid for was put to a controversially worded ratepayer vote and narrowly defeated. Many residents at the time were bitterly disappointed, complaining that the residents who paid rates only through landlords, but who would receive great benefits from the pool, were unable to vote.
As a result, most people believed Motueka would never see its own covered, heated pool and locals would have to travel to Richmond for such a facility. The three-man team, who had served on the pool sub-committee of Good Sports Motueka Inc (which is developing the rugby grandstand and related facilities), had other ideas but has kept them quiet.
They have received costings and plans and developed a strategy to move the project forward in stages, and tonight will form a new fundraising committee to start the project officially.
Their costings suggest the first phase will need about $900,000. They expect an early task is to look for a major sponsor with naming rights to underwrite fundraising and loans.
Ownership of the pool will remain with the school, but will involve a formal memorandum of understanding on shared use and when the school may need exclusive use of all the pool or of some roped-off lanes.
Access to the pool will remain via a pathway to the east of the school, but in time car parking via Rugby Park associated with the grandstand may be created to allow easy access from Manoy Street.
Following are three drawings of the proposed pool, the first two viewed from Rugby Park (looking south) and third of the building's interior.

Comment by Brent Maru:
[Posted 13 July 2013]
Well done Barry, Fred and Daryl on all your efforts.
Comment by Jim Butler:
[Posted 14 July 2013]
Barry Dowler has a reputation for getting things done. So here's hoping.
Comment by Andy Furness:
[Posted 14 July 2013]
I think there is a lot of goodwill for this project. Just makes good common sense. Thanks for not abandoning the goal of a covered-heated community pool.
Comment by Sue Clark:
[Posted 15 July 2013]
I am thrilled that the concept of a covered, heated pool is now back on the drawing board but .... I believe that the elderly population would be better served to have the pool situated at the Recreation Centre. How many of them feel comfortable swimming with the young Motueka H.S. students? In my opinion the answer is not many. It's more about going to the pool and the environment where they would feel comfortable. And if the High School still own the pool, how can this then be a community pool?
Comment by Marion Edwin:
[Posted 15 July 2013]
It is fabulous to see this issue open for discussion. I think it is very wise to consider how we might utilise the resources already available in Motueka for better use for and by the community. As current Chairperson of the Parklands School Board of Trustees, we are conscious that we also have an under-utilised resource in our beautiful (fairly) new, heated, outdoor swimming pool.
We welcome the opportunity to be involved in any discussions about how this can be made more accessible for more users, in a way that suits the school's user and administrative needs, and the needs of others. Perhaps there is already enough pools in Motueka, if we think about the combined/coordinated use of them? We would love to be a part of the solution.
Comment by Ross Maley:
[Posted 15 July 2013]
Fred, Daryl, Barry. Well done on your efforts to date. I like the site and the design looks good. A few points from me:
- TDC funding is a must. No weaselling out of this. Sick of Motueka being underfunded for our facilities.
- Consultation of users. I use the pool at present with my family of 5. Ask me what I want. Ask everyone in the area. Properly.
- Learn to swim pool? The most profitable isn't it? And beneficial.
- Entry fee. MOST of the current users are below the poverty line. How do we keep them in the pool?
Comment by Ross Elliot:
[Posted 19 July 2013]
If this proposal had been put before the ratepayers instead of the ruinous pie-in-the-sky fantasy which was, The pool would have been up and running by now, with all stages complete.
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