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Boardwalk opening recognises volunteers and donors
November 17th, 2012
[by David Armstrong]

Bob and Nancy Cooke cut the ribbon
Seventeen thousand stainless steel nails are holding together Motueka's latest recreational asset, the boardwalk from Link Park to York Park, which was officially opened this morning.
The threat of damp weather did not deter about 80 people who attended the ribbon cutting and recognise the superb work and skills of project manager Bob Cooke and his team of Keep Motueka Beautiful volunteers, as well as the generosity of a list of donors.
The boardwalk and connecting gravel paths were the fifth and final stage of a project begun by KMB several years ago to create a walking and cycling path around the inlet, beginning and ending at Old Wharf Road.
It is notable that with the boardwalk and adjacent Wharf Road path completed, much larger numbers of people have been using the route for their daily exercise.
The quality of the boardwalk structure is obvious to anyone viewing it, and this has been due to dedicated work by volunteers including Leo Van Workum, contractors and suppliers, KMB members and Corrections Department community service workers. On a separate page, we have a series of photos taken and submitted, showing the construction of the boardwalk and path over the past two months - click here to view them.
The $40,000 project required no ratepayer money. The Easton family - particularly Gwenyth Easton who sadly died just before the work was completed - donated much of the money required. The Walking Access Commission donated $10,000, while several businesses donated products and service.
The Motueka Lionesses raised a good sum of money for the boardwalk through their local phone book project. Riwaka signwriter Andy Lowe of Image Creators created the sign at the Link Park end (photo, right).
At the opening ceremony David Ogilvie and Cr Eileen Wilkins spoke briefly of the work and community support which underpinned the project, and the tireless Bob Cooke listed and thanked the people and businesses which had contributed.
Bob's wife Nancy then cut the ribbon, and the crowd followed the Cooke and Easton families as they strolled along the path across the incoming tide to York Park, where the Lionesses and Keep Motueka Beautiful hosted a luncheon/barbecue paid for by the Tasman District Council.

Some of the crowd at the opening speeches

Project manager Bob Cooke of Keep Motueka Beautiful thanks volunteers and donors

Setting off on the path to York Park

The boardwalk and path back onto some Trewavas Street properties

Looking back from near York Park

The barbecue lunch
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