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Comprehensive report on Motueka's playgrounds
November 16th, 2012
A comprehensive report of playgrounds and play equipment in the Motueka ward found that overall their presentation and maintenance is very good, the Motueka Community Board has heard.
The report, researched and prepared by board chairman David Ogilvie for the November meeting held on Tuesday, included a resolution to ask council's Reserves staff to prepare a programme for the upgrade of playground equipment in seven reserves, as part of the preparation for the 2013-14 Annual Plan.
The report said that "Understandably, some playgrounds have older equipment than others. For example, see-saws are no longer regarded as acceptable in modern playgrounds. On the other hand, climbing and swinging features are common. Similarly, slides and swings."
The most modern equipment was at the “hidden” playground in Eginton Park, accessed from Moffat Street. "All playgrounds, however, are obviously popular and those children questioned were happy with the equipment and cheerful about being asked." A concrete or sealed footpath access from Moffat Street to this playground along with some signage would be useful.
"The playgrounds in Riwaka are 'basic', but it seems that the school provides very good, challenging, equipment."
David said a rope pyramid in Decks Reserve would be an excellent addition. Those elsewhere have been popular at the Aquatic Centre and on Victory Square in Nelson.
The programme for the next three years (2012 – 2015) includes a new playground at the Ledger Goodman Reserve, followed by an upgrade of the Memorial Park playground to meet the required Standards. Community consultation for replacement/upgrade of the Decks Reserve playground with plans and costings was to be completed by April 2012.
The budget for 2012 – 2013 specifies $51,900 which excludes the Ledger Goodman Reserve equipment ($20,000) and Memorial Park upgrade ($40,000) and possibly the consultation and costings for Decks Reserve.
There is no money budgeted for the following years 2013 – 2015. Nevertheless, once the 2011 – 2012 Annual Report finances have been formally adopted, some adjustments to these budgets are likely, the report said.
"Collaboration by the Community Services Committee, the Motueka Community Board and Reserves staff will determine the next stages in managing the Ward’s playground equipment. There is a lot of replication (and not especially challenging) and the majority are nearing the end of their asset life (usually 15 to 20 years)."
David found that within Nelson and Tasman the most modern playgrounds visited included Cambridge Street, Richmond, Aquatic Centre, Tahunanui and Kaiteriteri. "Something similar for Motueka (probably in Decks Reserve) would be satisfying."
The report's recommendations include a request for the Reserves Manager to indicate the funding available for play equipment for Ledger Goodman Reserve, Memorial Park and Decks Reserve for the 2012 – 2013 year, in time for the board's December 11th meeting.
It also requests the Reserves Manager to provide details of the upgrade for the Memorial Park play equipment at that meeting, with the aim of completing the upgrade by 31 March 2013; and to outline the process of consultation for the upgrade/replacement of the Deck’s Reserve playground, with the aim of completing the upgrade/replacement by 30 June 2013.
The playgrounds suggested for upgrade over the next 15 years were:
2014 – 2015 – Thorp’s Bush
2016 – 2017 – North Street, Motueka Beach
2018 – 2019 – Richards Reserve, Wildman Road
2020 – 2021 – Riwaka Memorial Reserve and Ted Reed Reserve
2022 – 2023 – Brooklyn Valley Reserve
2024 – 2025 – Sanderlane Drive Reserve
2026 – 2027 – Eginton Park Reserve
The detailed section of the report noted the following impressions of current condition:
- Brooklyn Valley Play Equipment: Recently painted, good depth of bark, toilet clean, signage good, swings, climbing bars and see-saw in very good condition.
- Richards Reserve, Wildmans Road: A largish area and good variety of equipment, the toilet, hand basin and water fountain only fair, the play equipment well maintained.
- Memorial Park: An older set of play equipment and clearly needs an upgrade, existing equipment needs repainting, a modern set of equipment would be popular here (compare with Cambridge Street in Richmond).
- Decks Reserve: A wide variety of play equipment – four swings, slide and good climbing apparatus, this playground is popular, but room here for a climbing pyramid (eg Aquatic Centre).
- Eginton Park: Excellent equipment, good equipment choices, graffiti on the table, no signage from Moffat Street, and a 50m walk through a grassed driveway to the equipment.
- Thorp’s Bush: Older equipment needing an upgrade, perhaps not challenging enough, equipment needs repainting, ground area requires more bark. With the New World supermarket adjacent, this could become a more popular playground. Evidence of glass, plastic and litter indicates attracting an older age group which might be disturbing to younger children and mothers.
- North Street – Motueka Beach – Saltwater Baths: In good order, older equipment and needing some minor repairs and some repainting, easily accessed and open situation.
- Ted Reed Reserve – Riwaka Memorial Reserve: Swings and climbing bar good, bark OK, litter bin OK, table good, picnic table needs a repair. Equipment is basic, but the school playground and equipment is very good and well used.
- Tillson Crescent/Sanderlane Drive/Tui Close: imilar (but older) equipment to Moffat Street playground, good access from three streets but never sign posted.
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