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Council seeks feedback on aerodrome plans
June 15th, 2012
[TDC press release]
Tasman District Council has prepared a management plan and a development plan for Motueka Aerodrome and is now inviting the community to comment on those plans.
The purposes of the plans are to coordinate the aerodrome's use, operations, maintenance and developments safely, efficiently and in cooperation with the aerodrome operators.
The management plan addresses issues such as permitted and discretionary uses of the aerodrome, management objectives, conditions for the operation of businesses, environmental as well as health and safety issues.
The development plan sets out the parameters of acceptable growth for the aerodrome including the provision of proposed development areas including criteria for any future buildings etc.
View both plans here »
These plans do not cover activities outside the envelope of the aerodrome. While an increase or decrease in future activity at the aerodrome may impact on the numbers and frequency of aircraft using the airspace in and around the aerodrome, the use of the airspace is not addressed in these plans as the Council in its role as owner and operator of the aerodrome does not control airspace.
Submissions should focus on the information provided (or not provided) in the plans and while consequential matters may be considered by the Council when reviewing submissions, issues such as flight paths, flying areas or pilot behaviour, where the Council does not have control, are unlikely to be considered.
An open day will be held on Tuesday 26th June between 2.00pm and 4.30pm at the Council’s Motueka offices at Hickmott Place, to provide the opportunity for interested persons to share their views or ask questions regarding these plans.
Written submissions should be addressed to:
Submission on Motueka Aerodrome Management and Development Plans,
Tasman District Council,
Private Bag 4, Richmond 7050
Submissions may be emailed to
Submissions close at 4pm on Friday 13th July.
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