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Men urged to join the White Ribbon ride
November 8th, 2012
[Press release]
Motueka anti-violence organisations are calling for local men to 'leather up' and ride with the annual White Ribbon Motorcycle Ride when it rolls into Te Awhina Marae on Saturday 17th November from 3.00pm.
The ride, organised by the Families Commission, forms part of the November White Ribbon Campaign to raise awareness of, and support for, local anti-violence initiatives, specifically ending violence towards women.
"This is a fantastic opportunity for Motueka men to stand up and show they're man enough to stop violence towards women," says Paul Johnson, Community Youth Worker. "We want attitudes to change and our local men to lead this charge."
Every year around 14 women are killed, while there are over 3,500 convictions recorded against men each year for assaults on women. Police estimate that only 20% of the violence is actually reported.
"The ride is an opportunity to start conversations and to hear from men who are passionate about ending violence", says Paul. "We can't wait to hear their stories."
The riders are led by the Patriots Defence Force Motorcycle Club (made up of former and current members of the armed services) and Te Ahi Kikoha (a Maori organisation of anti-violence campaigners).
The ride began in 2009 and now reaches over 80 communities during November and will pass through Motueka on a motorcycle ride that covers some 5,000 kilometers from Bluff to Whangarei.

"White Ribbon wants men to take action," Families Commission White Ribbon Campaign manager Rob McCann says. "That can be as simple as men listening and taking seriously, stories of violence. But we also need to influence the men around us by making it known that we will not condone or remain silent about violent behaviour. An easy way to do that is to wear a White Ribbon.
"The White Ribbon Campaign and the ride are a chance to hear from men who have rejected violence, and want to share their messages of love and respect. It's a very powerful combination when delivered by tough-looking guys who have served New Zealand, often in dangerous situations as peacekeepers in war zones. Now these men want to bring peace to our own back yard," says Mr McCann.
Anyone can join the ride providing they have a current licence, a warranted bike with a minimum engine size of 250cc and are willing to make the pledge never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence towards women.
Local riders can join the ride or escort the riders into and out of town. For details check out www.whiteribbon.org.nz or contact White Ribbon at .
Families, especially fathers and sons, are encouraged to attend the welcoming Powhiri at 3pm at Te Awhina Marae. This will be followed with activities from 4pm until 6pm. Also the following morning the riders will depart at 8.45am and members of the public are invited to attend a breakfast at 7.15am at the Marae.
White Ribbon Day on Sunday 25th November will also be celebrated with Dads and Lads Games afternoon at Decks Reserve following the Sunday Market. The games will include Touch, Tough of Peace and Ki o Rahi.
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