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Board's LTP submission covers range of issues
May 6th, 2012
[by David Armstrong]
The Motueka Community Board made a solid submission to TDC's Long Term Plan (LTP) at the recent hearings in Motueka, covering a range of important local issues. (See also our general report here.)
Some of the interesting key projects being promoted by our community board included the plan to further develop Port Motueka facilities and industries on reclaimed land, taking over the management of Motueka Aerodrome, building a new library, and keeping a new swimming pool on the LTP.
Other topics covered, and spoken to by board chairman David Ogilvie, included debt levels, project funding, statistics used in local planning, some key road upgrades, the river stopbanks, water supplies, management of wastewater and stormwater, and the community board rate.
So that all residents are aware of the work being advocated by our community board, here is a copy of the full submission made by the board to the LTP.
1. Debt Levels
(a) That the total District Council debt increase by no more than 5% p.a. (measured at 30 June annually). This allows for inflation at 3% and population growth of 2%.
(b) Other criteria for keeping the debt at prudent levels:-
- Maximum of $7,000 per rateable unit.
- Less than 10% of the Council's total annual rate.
(Note that these "financial criteria" will be measured alongside the "consultation process" required for most debt-funded projects).
2. Project Funding Mechanism
(a) That the Council retain the 60 - 30 -10 model for funding projects rather than the 40 - 30 - 30 proposed in LTP. Example: The Lower Motueka River Flood Control project is currently funded on the 60 - 30 - 10 basis (60% direct benefit, 30% local indirect benefit, 10% Districtwide). This is acceptable. (The change to 40 - 30 - 30 is increasing the District-wide cost but lowering the cost on those who will directly benefit from the project).
(b) The 60 - 30 - 10 model to be applied also to the cost of any feasibility study leading towards a major project.
(c) A 90% - 10% model be used for town streetscaping projects.
3. Wharf Road (Motueka) Reclamation Project
That the Wharf Road (Motueka) Reclamation project be included in the LTP. This will involve consultation with affected parties, re-zoning to industrial, and the construction of the reclaimed area. The first stage to commence in 2012 -2013, construction by 2017 - 2018.
4. Statistics
(a) That, when considering population factors, the Council use the Department of Statistics' "Census Night" numbers. The Council to cease using other population statistics (e.g. "usually resident") as being subjective and not relevant to the Council's activities and projects.
(b) The only other relevant factor in measuring for Council's activities and projects be the "number of rateable units" in the District.
5. Lower Mouteka River Flood Control
(a) There are two sections of the Stopbank which are below the Q50 design capacity: (1) Woodman's Bend, for approximately 1km along the Motueka Valley Highway from the junction with College Street, (2) Opposite Fry's lsland, on the Motueka side, for approximately 50O metres, approximately 1km north of the Chamberlain Street intersection with Whakarewa Street. These sections are in need of maintenance to at least the Q50 design.
(b) The construction process concluded that Refurbishment of the stop banks is favoured : cost $16.35m. Subject to debt levels, this project to commence as a high priority.
6. Motueka Aerodrome
ln recent weeks the Users and Business Owners at the Airport have demonstrated to the Mayor that any General Rates funding is not necessary. With a different management/governance this would provide a saving to the Council of $30,000. Regular reports to the Community Board and to the Corporate Services committee (3 monthly) in line with the various Management, Development and Emergency Plans would retain a close liaison between the Aerodrome people and the Council. Funding from Rates would not be needed.
7. Library
Demolish the existing library and rebuild, on the present site, a library which meets the NZ Library standards. Cost approximately $2m, but delay construction should the Gouncil's debt levels not allow for construction at this price. The Motueka Library has been extended 3 - 4 times since 1989 and a new library at a modern design is required.
8. Transportation
(a) The Riwaka - Kaiteriteri Road to be upgraded, obviously at a different alignment.
(b) Parker Street upgrade. It services Te Maatu subdivision, Brown Acre Housing development and Parkerfield.
(c) Manoy Street - Talbot Street link to be constructed.
(d) Nelson - Tasman Great Taste Cycle Trail to be constructed. (The Government has provided a subsidy for a Loop Trail Nelson - Mapua - Motueka - Kaiteriteri - Motueka Valley - Tapawera - Kohatu - Wakefield - Richmond - Nelson). The economic benefits of a Loop Trail could off-set the cost of construction, parlicularly noting that significant sections have been constructed already. This is a high priority project.
9. Water Supply
Defer both the Coastal Tasman - Mapua pipeline and the Motueka reticulation beyond 2022. (There are more practical options at a lower cost).
10. Motueka Swimming Centre
Retain this in the LTP, but deferred beyond 2015 when the next three year review is due. The situation in 2015 could be quite different from 2O12.
11. Wastewater
(a) Motueka treatment plant upgrade. (b) Tapu Bay pipeline replacement. (c) Pumping mains from Riwaka.
Substantial costs envisaged for (a) and (b). Are these as urgent as the LTP implies (2)?
12. Stormwater
(a) Maintenance of tidal floodgates. A number of the older tidal "flapgates" to be replaced - e.g. Staples Street, School Road (Riwaka), Little Sydney (Goodall Road) - and there could be others. Most of these are significant to local areas in both halting tidal inflows and also allowing stormwater to escape at low tide. Expenditure for each of these would probably be less than $5,000 and should not involve resource consent procedures.
(b) Maintenance of existing open drains is an annual high priority. Weed infestation, silting, narrowing of channels, rubbish - these factors slow drainage flow considerably. The proposed hydraulic modelling is important but clearing of drains and an above-average level of service is practical and more important.
13. Community Board Rate
Retain the rate for 2 at $14.46, the same as for 2011 - 2012. The current amount is acceptable, and any surplus in the account is allocated locally.
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