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Planning under way to spend "Best Town" prize money
February 23rd, 2011
Having won Keep New Zealand Beautiful's "Best Town" competition, the local beautification group is working on ideas on how to spend the $3000 signage package which was the first prize.
Keep Motueka Beautiful (KMB) was the group behind the town's nomination for the online voting competition, and they get to decide what the signage package will look like and where it will be placed. As part of the competition rules, the sign will be made by Auckland-based Sign of the Times Ltd (SOTT).
A subcommittee of KMB is developing ideas on where the sign will go and how it will look from various viewing positions. It will also provide details and photos of various features of the town to enable SOTT to get a picture of Motueka town and its culture.
KMB will then provide details and photos of any ideas for the signage, and SOTT will then provide drawings of designs they consider will suit and meet available funding. From them, KMB will select their preference or suggest changes or redesigns.
When the final design is confirmed, KMB is to make contact with local businesses likely able to assist in one way or another with the cost of mounting and installing the sign. SOTT will arrange manufacture and freight to Motueka.
Meanwhile, KMB will to obtain Council approval to erect the sign, and then have the sign erected. Fingers crossed it will all go according to plan.
If you have any ideas about the location, appearance or content of the sign, please click on the link below and let us know.
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