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How would you like $25,000 spent in Motueka?
Revised July 28th, 2011
Are we that apathetic that fewer than 25 people so far (July 28th) have voted for the selection of small projects to be undertaken by the Community Board in the Motueka ward? With only four days to go before votes are counted and decisions made, this suggests that most Motuekans no longer care what improvements are made to the town's facilities. Let's prove this wrong - vote now online.
This year all Motueka ratepayers will contribute $5 into a "small projects levy" that will amount to $25,000, to be spent by the Motueka Community Board on projects in the ward as chosen by residents. Here is your chance to have your say.
The Motueka Community Board has published a questionnaire on Motueka Online and The Motueka Golden Bay News asking you to indicate your preferences on projects from a suggested list. This list was built from submissions made by residents during consultation for the 2011 - 2012 TDC Annual Plan, but which did not make it into the final plan. The questionnaire also has space to add other ideas of your own, if you wish.
Between three and five projects will finally be chosen, with funds in lumps of either $5000 or $10,000 expected to be allocated. The Board is aware that projects need to be allocated across the ward and not just in Motueka town. The find out more about the $5 targeted rate, read our report here.
Board chairman David Ogilvie wants responses from residents by Monday August 1st, and he hopes as many respondents as possible make the small effort to either cut the advertisement from The Motueka Golden Bay News and fill it out, or download and fill in the equivalent on this website (see below). But please, only one response per person.
[Note: the remainder of this article is now past deadline, but continue on to read the comments below, which are still relevant.]
Printed and completed copies of the questionnaire can be handed in or posted to the Motueka Service Centre, Hickmott Place. Online versions of the form can be emailed to Motueka Online, following these instructions:
The online questionnaire is a short Microsoft Word document, which you can download by clicking here.
[If you cannot open that file, try this PDF version which you can print and hand in but not email in return.] You can do one of two things with this document:
- For either Word or PDF version, print it, fill it out manually, and hand it in or post it to the Motueka Service Centre, Hickmott Place, or (easier and better)
- Save the Word verions on your computer, then open it, fill it out (numbers 1 to 4 for your top preferences) on the computer, save it again, then send it as an attachment to this email address:
Comment by Betzy Iannuzzi:
[Posted 29 July 2011, having sent in her list]
Some of the other projects on this list should NOT come from an additional levy, they would fall in to work that should normally come out of the rates we already pay. As to cycleways, there was central government funding that TDC chose to spend elsehere. This is a dangerous precedent - "if you want it, just pay extra".
Comment by John Kelly:
[Posted 30 July 2011, having sent in his list]
I find this entire exercise a dangerous one. Virtually all of the projects on this list could or should be done in the course of "business as usual" for the Council. To add yet another targeted rate to pay for items as pedestrian (pun intended) as kerb crossings is crazy. Assuming they are proposed for locations where they are needed, why should they be paid for out of a special rate?
As a precedent I can see Council saying more and more often "sorry we don't have the money for that" and suggesting that we add to a local rate and leave them be.
Comment by Harald Laarakker:
[Posted 3 August 2011]
I don't want to get into all sorts of different issues. If this money is available, then I think you should put it into something for the youth. Invest in the wellbeing of the Youthfull. Invest in the future! Youth employment can be well supported with $25,000. Good luck with making the right choice.
Comment by Lisa Ball:
[Posted 3 August 2011]
I would have to agree with previous comments in that the proposed list is very unexciting and most items should definitely already be covered by our rates. Being a resident of Hau Road of course I would love to have a kerb and channelling done but would not expect the rest of Motueka ratepayers to pay for this with the extra $5 levy!!
Although less practical I'm all for adding some appeal to our town and think the rumoured suggestion of flower baskets or flags and banners added to High Street a great idea! I've also been a solid supporter of a public swimming pool for the town but I guess that is a whole other argument and budget!!
>> , to be added to the page. [If this link doesn't work, use this form instead]
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