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TDC's next Annual Plan up for discussion, average 7% rate rise proposed
March 11th, 2011
The Tasman District Council has prepared its 2011/2012 Draft Annual Plan and later this month will meet with Motueka ratepayers to discuss what it is proposing to do in the district for the next planning year.
Overall, Tasman ratepayers will face an average total increase of around 7 percent, incorporating (1) an increase of 4.71 percent on the general rate (3 percent of which is for inflation), (2) an additional 1.98 percent on the general rate for replenishing Council's General Disaster Fund and replacing the James Road Bridge, and (3) targeted rate increases.
Depending on particular circumstances and the effects of specific targeted rates, the proposed rates increase may vary from the District-wide average of around 7 percent.
On Friday March 18th residents will receive a summary of the Draft Annual Plan in their letterboxes. It covers the vision for Tasman District's future and summarises the proposed key changes to the Ten Year Plan 2009 - 2019.
The Draft Annual Plan is a document put together by Council outlining what it proposes to do during a particular year - in this case 2011/2012. The Draft Annual Plan is made available for public consultation and feedback, prior to Council making any changes as a result of the consultation, and adopting the final Annual Plan in June 2011.
The plan ties together the threads of everything Council does. It links into one overall guiding document the vision and community outcomes for the District, services and activities Council is planning to undertake, and likely costs of Council providing those services and activities over the 2011/2012 year.
Contained within the Draft Annual Plan Summary is a submission form so that you can have your say on the activities planned by Council for the year. Alternatively you can make a submission online at www.tasman.govt.nz or e-mail your submission to .
In support of this consultation process, Council will be holding several meetings across the District to provide you with any further information residents may require on the proposals in the Draft Annual Plan and also to answer any questions you have. The meeting in Motueka will be held in St John Hall, Courteney Street, at 4.00pm to 5.30pm and 7.00pm to 9.00pm.
Ratepayer submissions to the Plan will be heard on May 13th.
Editor's comment:
[Posted 18 March 2011]
You can see the Draft Plan on the Council's website here »
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