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Ledger Goodman Park neighbours vote on improvements
March 7th, 2011
Following a request by some residents last year to the Community Board, David Ogilvie and Eileen Wilkins conducted a residents' survey about the state, appearance and use of the 5043m2 Ledger Goodman Park, which links Goodman Drive, Kingstan Place and Ledger Avenue.
The survey, inviting the opinions of about 100 dwellings in the immediate neighbourhood of the community park, was conducted last month and produced 36 responses. The results will be presented to the Community Board tomorrow afternoon.
The three proposals which were suggested in the survey received overwhelming support, particularly numbers 2 and 3:
- Building a 1.5 metre wide footpath at the northern end of the reserve which would link Kingstan Place with Goodman Drive (between Nos 21 and 23 Goodman Drive). 31 support (86%).
- Replacing the existing (privately-owned) play equipment with a timber constructed climbing apparatus, slide and swings. 33 support (91%).
- An additional park bench and litter bin near the play area. 36 support (100%).
Additional comments included:
- Do not remove any more trees. They give character to the park. Keep the trees pruned and properly maintained. Consider planting some fruit trees, eg macadamia, plum.
- A footpath would allow us to walk the park in winter.
- New play equipment needs to blend with the park; no plastic play equipment please.
- A picnic table (or barbecue-style table) was a preference to another park bench, expressed by some.
- Any woodchips under the play equipment needs to be small and soft to land on. (Other areas have a large chip and it hurts on landing).
- More consultation on the location of a new playground would be appreciated. It is good where it is now. Please, no see-saw.
David and Eileen will recommend to the Board that:
- The report be received and referred to the Community Services Manager for action.
- The location of the proposed playground equipment be referred to the adjacent neighbours for their responses.
- A barbecue-style picnic table (with seating) be positioned near the playground (instead of a park bench).
- Funding be provided from the Reserves financial Contributions Account, either for the current 2010 – 2011 year ($47,931 budget) or the following 2011 – 2012 year ($54,854 proposed budget).
Comment by Di Fairhall:
[Posted 13 March 2011]
I agree with all the comments and recommendation to Ledger Goodman Park, which my grandchildren enjoy when they visit us at 16 Ledger Ave. One comment is, currently the Park is used by a Leisure Marching team for practice weekly, so when postioning a BBQ area/table it would be good to ensure it is under some trees on the outskirts of the park, to enable any sports group on family wanting to play cricket/rugby or some sort of team sport an wide open area without obstacles.
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