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Community groups cooperate to solve manure removal issue
May 5th, 2011
One man's meat is another man's poison. Or, in this case, one community group's rubbish is another group's treasure. Horse manure from the Marchwood Park equestrian area will be used to feed the vegetable plots at the Community Gardens.
The Motueka Community Gardens Trust yesterday received the offer from the Motueka A&P Association to make the contents of their horse manure bins freely available to the Community Gardens on an on-going basis.
The bins are topped up regularly through regular use of the park for horse riding, and horse owners are required by the park's rules to clean the yards after use.
The Community Gardens (information here) have grown rapidly from scratch over the past nine months and produced a large harvest this year, and the trust is planning for further expansion for the coming spring/summer, including the provision of rentable private allotments built by the trust.
A regular supply of horse manure will certainly help to build up the soil fertility, along with the plant compost already building up on site.
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