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Participation in town planning projects urged for 2011

January 4th, 2011
by David Armstrong

Motuekans will be asked this year to make their opinions known about several major town planning projects that will reach interesting stages during 2011, according to community board chairman David Ogilvie.

Speaking at the opening of the Motueka Art Group exhibition last night, he urged the art community, as part of the Motueka community at large, to take part wherever possible in planning consultation, particularly with regard to improvements to High Street and new developments in central and western Motueka.

"This time last year the Motueka Transportation Study was made public, with its focus largely on High Street," he reminded us. "Some of its recommendations hopefully to improve pedestrian traffic flow and safety to make our town more pleasant and safe place to shop and live in will be effected this year.

"At the same time Council is going to produce next month a planning strategy for Central and Western Motueka. This is an opportunity to plan for our future in these parts of town for the next two decades and beyond. It's a very important opportunity, so if you get the chance please make submissions and give us (the community board) your ideas about those strategies."

He said these two plans dovetail, because both will include planning for issues such as zoning, access, parking, drainage infrastructure and many others.

"Likewise other planning issues are ongoing, such as the Motueka River stopbank investigation," he said. "At the last meeting of last year Council received a report on all the consultation that took place between Council, residents and consultants this last year.

"The water issues continue, both around the reticulation of Motueka and the Tasman Coastal pipeline. The community board has asked for a return to the previous policy of a gradual extension of reticulation in the town. And the coastal pipeline is under appeal to the Environment Court.

"So it's going to be a busy 12 months for the community board and the Council. Our role at the community board is to advocate for you people of the community and to present your views, so I encourage you to be active in taking part in consultation, making submissions to us or to the Council."

Comment by William Cleaver:
[Posted 7 January 2011]

On behalf of the Grumpy old mans club:
Would you not think that after all this time all projects that the council has put forward to date - i.e. the 10 year plan and numerous other issues like busking on the footpath and outside the museum, also the lake that forms on the main highway south of the bridge in heavy rain, speaking of which new bridge or diversion around the town or whatever - These subjects have been bashed around and argued over for years. It's about time they where solved.

Set the issue and make public, look at the feedback, make the decision and set a time for implementing and stick to it. Too easy, you might say; well it probably is. So what's the problem? Does the council want to keep themselves employed by never coming up with a solution or moving the goal posts so another game has to be played? In the meantime they ask for the public to make submissions on subjects that most have already submitted to already.

The NZ Government can make a decision, make it public, hear the arguments, change the parameters, set the rules then set it in concrete it's done. I refer to ACC levies on registration on motorbikes and now hearing loss claims, not to mention GST and import export regimes.

Now we have the Motueka Community Board saying they have a busy year ahead. Well under the current scenario yes that would be the case but if they the bodies got there act together, life for them may be a little different. In the meantime said parties just look a tad unorganised and inefficient in their roles.

Comment by David Ogilvie:
[Posted 15 January 2011]

Like you William, I would be very happy to have all of these issues decided and enacted - some minor, some major - as quickly as practicable. The Museum frontage matter was decided prior to Christmas and any requests now are to be directed through the Council office in Motueka. The flooding near the bridge is an NZTA (Transit) matter and they have been informed several times, by a number of groups.

Until all of these matters you mentioned are attended to, the primary role is to keep asking - persistence pays - and the process frequently involves submissions, and further submissions until funding is finally available for those in authority to make the decision which the community wants.

The Community Board's role is to represent and advocate for the interests of the community to the Council. It is crucial that the Board receives advice, comments, suggestions, advice from the community - hence my plea to the Motueka Art Group on Jan 3rd. The Group as artists can contribute in positive and practical ways to making Motueka a special place - their input is important, individually and collectively.

Your own comments are valuable too, William, and those of the Grumpy Old Men's Club. (Perhaps, I should become a member??)

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