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Annual Plan submissions close in two weeks time

April 14th, 2010

April 26th is the last day for submissions to the Council's Annual Plan for 2010/11, and the Motueka Community Board is encouraging residents to study the plan and make submissions on issues that affect them.

The board is organising a meeting in the Council meeting room, Hickmott Place, on Thursday 22nd April at 7pm, and hopes residents will turn out in numbers to express their opinions. Board members said they were disappointed by the poor attendance and interest shown last year, given the importance of this planning document on the well-being and advancement of Motueka.

"The Tasman District Council Annual Plan is one of, if not the, most important documents the Council puts out to the communities it serves. This year's is no different", said Mayor Richard Kempthorne in a council press release. "A key element of the Annual Plan process is the ability of the residents and ratepayers to submit and make a contribution to the development of the plan.

"Tasman is a large District and there are many things we are doing to make sure the lives of those who choose to live here are enhanced. This means we have to prioritise where, when and what we need to do and how much we spend in doing it.

"The submission process is fundamental to the relationship we share with the communities of Tasman, their communicating with Council what is important to them, and it is important that the people who choose to take up the opportunity can contribute easily."

The full Draft Annual Plan, summary document and submission forms are available on the Council's website and from the Tasman District Council office or Motueka Library.

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