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Tasman District Council launches revamped website

August 12th, 2010

TDC today launched its much-awaited new website, a significant rebuild of the old site which had long ago become outdated and hard to use. The new site, which is bright, attractive and well organised, can be found at

The website, which was aimed to be complete in June (see our February report here), has sections clearly marked for recent news, community notices, and information about council assets and activities, as well as facilities for viewers to contact council and provide feedback. It was designed by the company run by Mapua-based Tama Easton.

Tama says on the site that it has been "totally rebuilt from the ground up to reflect the feedback and input from Tasman residents, community groups, businesses and other users. The site will be subject to ongoing development as information is published, reviewed and renewed. As one of the three pillars underpinning the purpose of the website, greater functionality will be added over time to extend the capability of the online relationship the Council shares with the District's residents and ratepayers."

He says one of the advances of the new site over the old is the search function and way information is stored. If you are having trouble finding a page, you can use the search box in the top right hand corner, or the "A to Z index of Website Pages" or the "Sitemap of Website".

Tama says if you have any feedback about what you'd like to see on this website, or have found any errors or ommissions, please let them know. You can comment on any page by clicking the feedback link in the top right or bottom left of the page.

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